The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan follows British comedian Romesh Ranganathan as he embarks on a series of hilarious and often chaotic adventures around the world. From trying his hand at traditional Maasai warrior training in Kenya to exploring the bustling streets of Haiti, Romesh's journey is filled with unexpected twists and turns.
Throughout the series, Romesh immerses himself in different cultures, meeting locals and experiencing their way of life firsthand. His dry wit and self-deprecating humor add an entertaining twist to each episode, as he navigates cultural differences and challenges along the way.
As Romesh navigates the highs and lows of travel, viewers are treated to a unique and comedic perspective on some of the world's most fascinating destinations. Whether he's sampling exotic foods or attempting extreme sports, Romesh's misadventures are sure to keep audiences laughing and entertained.