The Pet Girl of Sakurasou is a Japanese light novel series written by Hajime Kamoshida. The story follows Sorata Kanda, a high school student who is forced to move into the infamous Sakura Hall after being kicked out of the regular dorms for keeping a stray cat.
At Sakura Hall, Sorata meets Mashiro Shiina, a talented artist who struggles with basic tasks like dressing herself and cooking. Sorata becomes Mashiro's caretaker, helping her navigate the challenges of everyday life.
As Sorata and Mashiro grow closer, they form a bond that goes beyond friendship. However, their relationship is tested by the arrival of new residents at Sakura Hall, including the ambitious and competitive Rita Ainsworth.
Throughout the series, Sorata and Mashiro must navigate their feelings for each other while pursuing their dreams of becoming successful artists. The Pet Girl of Sakurasou explores themes of friendship, love, and the struggles of following your passion.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Kimi ga yume o tsuretekita
Ai Kayano:
Days of Dash
Konomi Suzuki:
Yume no tsuzuki
Konomi Suzuki:
Prime Number - Minna to deaeru hi
Chiaki Ishikawa: