The Princess Switch is a romantic comedy film that follows the story of Stacy DeNovo, a talented baker from Chicago who is invited to participate in a prestigious baking competition in the fictional European country of Belgravia. While in Belgravia, Stacy meets Lady Margaret Delacourt, the Duchess of Montenaro, who happens to be her identical look-alike.
As fate would have it, the two women decide to switch places for a few days, with Stacy posing as Lady Margaret and vice versa. This leads to a series of comedic and heartwarming moments as both women navigate each other's lives and fall in love with unexpected suitors.
The Princess Switch is a delightful tale of mistaken identity, friendship, and romance that will leave viewers feeling warm and fuzzy inside. With charming performances and a feel-good storyline, this film is perfect for anyone looking for a light-hearted and enjoyable watch.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Princess Switch
What Christmas Means to Me
Anna Gordy Gaye:
Bring the Snow
Sam Palladio:
Sam Palladio: Vocals-bass-drums-percussion Sam Palladio: Writer Striking Matches: Guitars and backing vocals Bryan Russell: Engineering, mixing, programming, additional guitars and keyboards |
Clear Night
Jolly Switch
Merry Christmas Wishes
Switch Wish