THE RUNNER is an episodic arched digital series that follows the plight of NATE, a drug runner with a troubled past, who tries to navigate through the pitfalls of working for a criminal enterprise in Toronto. This gripping dramatic web series delves deep into themes of loyalty, love, and betrayal. Aimed at fans of crime fiction, The Runner can be compared in tone and pace to critically acclaimed dramas like Narcos, Suburra, and Top Boy. Season 1 of this 10 episode original series revolves around Nate's relationship with ZOE, his double-crossing and deceitful sister-in-law who is on the run for stealing drugs, as well ROMAN, his trusting and father figure like boss. As the audience witnesses the tough decisions these characters must make to stay in the game and remain alive, they are lured into the criminal underworld of The Runner. What makes The Runner unique is the series' unabashed love letter to Toronto. Capturing the heart of this mega city's unique, rich, and diverse neighbourhoods The Runner explores several ethnic communities will infusing the series with an authenticity and flavour all its own.