The Shannara Chronicles is a story set in The Four Lands, a land of magic and peace that is now facing a threat beyond man: Demons. These creatures were banished ages ago and were held back by a magical wall known as the Forbidding. However, the source of that magic, the Ellcrys, a magical tree, is dying, causing the wall to weaken.
When the acolytes who tend to the tree are all killed, the wise Druid Allanon turns to Amberle, the last remaining disciple, to save the tree. Only she can take the seed of the Elven tree to the faraway Bloodfire, where she must replant the Ellcrys to stop the Demons.
To protect her on this dangerous journey, Allanon sends the young Wil Ohmsford, a descendant of heroes past. As the two youths embark on their perilous journey, Allanon and the entire Elven Nation unite to hold back the Demons and prevent them from destroying The Four Lands.