The Spitfire Grill Soundtrack (

The Spitfire Grill Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 7200 votes
Tags: reference to homer's odyssey, reference to homer's odyssey
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La historia del Spitfire Grill

Title in Italiano:

La ragazza di Spitfire Grill

Title in Português:

A Ex-Condenada

Title in Français:

La seconde chance

Title in Türk:

The Spitfire Grill


The film follows Percy Talbott, a young woman recently released from prison, as she arrives in the small, economically struggling town of Gilead, Maine. Percy is searching for a fresh start and a chance at redemption. She gets a job at the Spitfire Grill, the only restaurant in town, which is run by the gruff but kind-hearted Hannah Ferguson. Percy's arrival stirs up curiosity and suspicion among the town's residents, who are not used to outsiders.

As Percy begins to settle into her new life, she learns about the town's troubled history and the emotional scars that many of its residents carry. Percy also discovers an old tradition in which the Spitfire Grill is raffled off to a new owner each year, and she convinces Hannah to let her help with the raffle. As the raffle gains attention, it starts to change the lives of the people in Gilead. Secrets are revealed, friendships are formed, and the town begins to heal.

The film explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of community. It's a heartwarming and character-driven story that shows how one person's arrival can bring hope and transformation to an entire town.

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Play Title Artist
The Spitfire Grill
Wayne Peet: Producer
Wayne Peet: Writer
There Is a Balm in Gilead
Alison Elliott: Performer

User reviews

Michelle Lee

The music in The Spitfire Grill enhances the film's atmosphere, drawing viewers into the world of Gilead and creating a sense of connection with the characters.

Kimberly Miller

The soundtrack's melodies linger in my mind long after the movie ends, evoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth that stays with me.

Andrew Walker

The music in The Spitfire Grill beautifully enhances the storytelling, evoking feelings of hope, redemption, and healing. The melodies are moving and poignant, adding an extra layer of emotion to the already powerful narrative.

Betty Scott

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a wide range of emotions, from melancholy to joy, mirroring the ups and downs of the characters' experiences in the film.

Brian Brown

The use of acoustic instruments in the score gives the music a rustic and intimate feel, perfectly suiting the small-town setting of Gilead, Maine.

Sarah Roberts

The soundtrack of The Spitfire Grill perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, enhancing the storytelling with its poignant melodies.

Jennifer Phillips

The soundtrack of The Spitfire Grill beautifully captures the emotional journey of the characters, enhancing the storytelling with its poignant melodies.

Susan Miller

Overall, the soundtrack of The Spitfire Grill is a standout element of the film, enriching the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Betty Nelson

Additionally, the soundtrack of The Spitfire Grill felt repetitive and monotonous, with few standout tracks that left a lasting impact. The lack of variety in the music made it difficult to stay engaged with the film's narrative, as the same themes and melodies seemed to repeat throughout, hindering the overall viewing experience.

Ronald Turner

Each track in the soundtrack complements the scenes in a way that elevates the narrative, adding depth and resonance to the characters' struggles and triumphs.

Brian Nelson

The music in the film effectively conveys the sense of hope and redemption that Percy's character embodies, adding depth to her personal transformation.

Timothy Smith

The soundtrack's subtle use of acoustic guitar and strings creates a warm and inviting atmosphere that draws the audience into the world of the film.

Thomas Carter

The melodies in the soundtrack linger in the mind long after the film has ended, serving as a reminder of the emotional impact of the story.

Betty Robinson

Overall, the music in The Spitfire Grill is a standout aspect of the film, enriching the narrative and resonating with the themes of redemption and transformation.

Richard Hernandez

The emotional depth of the music in The Spitfire Grill helps to immerse viewers in the characters' journeys, making their experiences feel more real and relatable.

James Allen

The soundtrack of The Spitfire Grill lacked emotional depth and failed to capture the essence of the characters' struggles and triumphs. The music felt generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to enhance the storytelling and evoke strong emotions in the audience.

Andrew King

The vocal tracks featured in the soundtrack are soulful and heartfelt, adding a layer of intimacy to key moments in the story.

Joshua Williams

The use of folk and Americana elements in the soundtrack perfectly complements the small-town setting of Gilead, Maine, creating a sense of authenticity and nostalgia.

Deborah Young

The music beautifully conveys the sense of hope and redemption that permeates the film, creating a deeply moving experience for the audience.

Kenneth King

The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of forgiveness and community, enhancing the film's message of healing and transformation.

Carol Perez

The music in The Spitfire Grill effectively underscores the themes of forgiveness and community, emphasizing the power of human connection and healing.

Sarah Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of The Spitfire Grill is a masterpiece that complements the heartwarming and transformative story of forgiveness and second chances. It's a musical journey that resonates deeply with the themes of the film and leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.

Mark Garcia

The Spitfire Grill has a captivating and emotional soundtrack that perfectly captures the essence of the small town of Gilead, Maine. Each musical piece helps to convey the deep sense of community and the personal struggles of the characters in the film.