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"We saw His star in the east and we have come to worship Him" (Matthew 2:2) The biblical report in the Gospel of Matthew tells a story of wise men reporting to Herod about a "King" born somewhere in Judea. They were queried about the exact time this star appeared. Can we actually unlock the mystery of the world's most famous star? If this was an actual event - can there possibly be historical and scientific evidence for the Star of Bethlehem, the star followed by Magi from the east? These questions have perplexed mankind for over two thousand years. Now, from producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) comes an amazing documentary on the mystical Star of Bethlehem. This presentation explores the exciting story in scripture and examines evidence for God's existence as seen in the heavens. Commentator Rick Larson walks you through Biblical, historical, and scientific clues revealing the incredible significance of this celestial event and the vastness of God's creativity. The old carol spoke about it: "O, star of wonder, star of might, star with royal beauty bright, westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light." If there was a real star over the skies of Judea when Jesus of Nazareth was born, perhaps there are scientific answers to prove it. We should now be able to use our advanced computer technology to go back in time and see what happened - and discern exactly where certain stars were in the sky. Could this Star have actually existed and pointed to the birth of the Savior? Sit back, watch the heavens and see what was going on when Jesus was born...