The Strange Case of Angelica is a film directed by Portuguese filmmaker Manoel de Oliveira. The story follows a young photographer named Isaac who is called to take a picture of a deceased woman named Angelica. However, when he looks through the lens of his camera, he sees Angelica come to life and smile at him. Isaac becomes obsessed with Angelica and begins to see her ghostly presence everywhere he goes.
As Isaac's obsession grows, he starts to question his own reality and struggles to differentiate between what is real and what is a figment of his imagination. The film explores themes of love, death, and the supernatural, as Isaac grapples with his feelings for Angelica and the impact she has on his life.
The Strange Case of Angelica is a visually stunning and thought-provoking film that challenges the audience to question the boundaries between life and death, reality and fantasy. Manoel de Oliveira's unique storytelling style and beautiful cinematography make this film a haunting and unforgettable experience.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Strange Case of Angelica
Piano Sonata No.3 in B Minor, Op.58
Mazurca, Op.59