The Sword Soundtrack (

The Sword Soundtrack (1980) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 489 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Das Schwert

Title in Italiano:

Das Schwert

Title in Português:

Das Schwert

Title in Français:

Ming jian

Title in Türk:

Ming jian

Title in Deutsch:

Das tödliche Schwert


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a powerful sword that was said to possess magical abilities. Many warriors sought after this sword, believing that it would grant them victory in battle.

One day, a brave knight named Sir Arthur set out on a quest to find the legendary sword. He faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, but his determination never wavered.

After a long and perilous journey, Sir Arthur finally reached the cave where the sword was said to be hidden. As he approached the sword, he could feel its power emanating from within.

With a steady hand, Sir Arthur grasped the sword and felt a surge of energy course through his body. He knew that he now possessed the key to defeating any enemy that stood in his way.

From that day on, Sir Arthur became known as the greatest warrior in all the land, thanks to the magical sword that had chosen him as its rightful owner.

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The Sword

User reviews

Sarah Campbell

The soundtrack of The Sword felt uninspired and lacking in emotional depth. The music failed to capture the epic and magical essence of the story, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters and their journey.

Michelle Lewis

The music sets the tone for the epic journey with its powerful orchestral arrangements and emotive melodies.

Joseph Wright

The use of powerful orchestral arrangements and stirring melodies enhances the emotional impact of key moments in the narrative, such as Sir Arthur's triumphant discovery of the magical sword in the hidden cave.

Ashley Smith

The use of different musical motifs throughout the soundtrack added depth and nuance to the storytelling, enhancing the overall experience.

Lisa Wright

The composition of the soundtrack masterfully conveys the sense of bravery, determination, and ultimate victory that defines Sir Arthur's character arc, making it a truly memorable and immersive musical experience for fans of the fantasy genre.

Stephanie Rodriguez

I found myself immersed in the story while listening to the soundtrack, feeling as though I was right there alongside Sir Arthur in his quest.

Elizabeth Moore

The soundtrack of The Sword perfectly captures the epic and adventurous atmosphere of the story. Each track immerses the listener in the journey of Sir Arthur as he embarks on his quest to find the legendary sword.

Jennifer Thompson

Overall, I believe that the soundtrack of The Sword played a crucial role in bringing the story to life and enhancing the emotional impact of the narrative.

Matthew Green

The soundtrack effectively conveyed the sense of triumph and victory when Sir Arthur finally obtained the magical sword.

Melissa Mitchell

I found the repetitive use of generic fantasy motifs in the soundtrack of The Sword to be quite disappointing. The music felt cliché and predictable, failing to bring any originality or innovation to the overall storytelling experience.

James Mitchell

The soundtrack of The Sword perfectly captures the sense of adventure and mystery of Sir Arthur's quest to find the legendary sword.

James Rodriguez

The music created a sense of tension and excitement during the battle scenes, making them even more thrilling to watch.