The Wolfpack is a documentary film that follows the lives of six brothers who were raised in isolation in a small apartment in New York City. Their father kept them confined to the apartment for years, rarely allowing them to leave. The brothers found solace in movies, which they would watch and reenact to pass the time.
As they grew older, the brothers began to venture outside more frequently, exploring the city and interacting with strangers. They documented their experiences with a video camera, creating their own films and reimagining the world outside their apartment walls.
The Wolfpack explores themes of freedom, creativity, and the impact of isolation on human development. It offers a unique glimpse into the lives of these brothers and the challenges they face as they navigate the world beyond their sheltered upbringing.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Wolfpack
This is Halloween
Danny Elfman:
Who Took Berlin (Part 1)
The Century Trilogy I: Conquest
Stuck In The Middel With You
Tarzan Boy
End of the Beginning
All You Need Is Love
Daylight (Feat. Signe Marie Schmidt-Jacobsen)
Stuck in the Middle with You