Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe is a 1998 American comedy film directed by John Raffo. The story follows two small-time criminals, Buzz and Vance, who are on the run after a botched robbery. They end up in a small town in the desert where they meet a beautiful woman named Beth.
As they try to lay low and come up with a plan to escape, they stumble upon a motel called Three Palms run by a quirky old man named Sam. Sam offers them a deal - if they can keep the motel running for a week, he will give them enough money to start a new life.
With no other options, Buzz and Vance agree to the deal and enlist Beth to help them out. As they struggle to keep the motel afloat, they encounter a series of hilarious mishaps and unexpected challenges.
Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe is a fun and entertaining film that combines comedy with a touch of romance and adventure. It's a story about second chances, unlikely friendships, and the power of redemption.