Thunder Road tells the story of Jim Arnaud, a police officer in a Texas town who always tries to do the right thing, but often ends up doing the wrong thing, leading to a less than perfect life.
Jim struggles with his impetuous nature and hot-temperedness, often acting on impulse rather than planning his actions. He also lacks a good understanding of social norms and conventions.
In his imperfect life, Jim has a strained relationship with his dancer/dance teacher mother, as well as with his two siblings. His wife Ros has been separated from him for a year, and she is now seeking full custody of their daughter Crystal.
Jim's life is further complicated by the passing of his mother and Ros's plans to move out of town with her new boyfriend, Chris. Jim is determined to do right by his mother and to establish a better relationship with Crystal.
Despite facing these challenges, Jim's partner Nate Lewis and some of his fellow officers stand by him, while others only tolerate him, including the police chief.