"Tickling Giants" is a documentary film that follows the story of Bassem Youssef, a heart surgeon turned comedian who becomes known as the "Egyptian Jon Stewart." In the midst of the Arab Spring, Youssef starts a satirical news show called The Show that quickly gains popularity for its humorous take on politics and social issues in Egypt.
As Youssef's show gains traction, he faces increasing pressure and threats from the Egyptian government and conservative groups who are not amused by his jokes. Despite the risks, Youssef continues to use his platform to challenge authority and speak out against censorship and oppression.
The film captures the power of satire in challenging the status quo and holding those in power accountable. It also highlights the personal sacrifices Youssef and his team make in the pursuit of freedom of speech and democracy in Egypt.
"Tickling Giants" is a compelling and inspiring look at the role of comedy in activism and the importance of speaking truth to power in the face of adversity.