TIME: The Kalief Browder Story is a six-part documentary series that tells the story of Kalief Browder, a young African American man who spent three years in jail without being convicted of a crime. The series explores the flaws in the criminal justice system that led to Browder's unjust incarceration and the impact it had on his life.
Kalief Browder was arrested at the age of 16 for allegedly stealing a backpack and was sent to Rikers Island, a notorious jail in New York City. Despite maintaining his innocence, Browder was unable to afford bail and spent over 1,000 days in jail awaiting trial.
During his time at Rikers Island, Browder endured abuse and violence from both inmates and guards. He spent a significant amount of time in solitary confinement, which took a toll on his mental health.
After his release, Browder struggled to cope with the trauma he experienced in jail and tragically took his own life at the age of 22. His story sparked national outrage and brought attention to the injustices within the criminal justice system.
TIME: The Kalief Browder Story sheds light on the systemic issues that led to Browder's wrongful imprisonment and serves as a powerful reminder of the need for reform in the criminal justice system.