The Eternal is a gripping tale of love and loss set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is on the brink of extinction. The story follows a young woman named Sarah who embarks on a dangerous journey to find the last remaining source of clean water on Earth.
As Sarah navigates through the desolate landscape, she encounters a mysterious stranger who offers to help her in her quest. Together, they must overcome numerous obstacles and face unimaginable dangers in order to reach their destination.
Along the way, Sarah and her companion form a deep bond that transcends time and space. Their love for each other becomes the driving force behind their mission, propelling them forward even when all hope seems lost.
But as they draw closer to the source of water, they discover a dark secret that threatens to tear them apart. Will Sarah and her companion be able to overcome this final challenge and secure the future of humanity, or will they succumb to the forces that seek to destroy them?
Play | Title | Artist |
She was a Good Looking Woman
Johnny Was