Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton Soundtrack (

Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 660 votes
Tags: travis walton ufo incident
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Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton

Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton is a gripping tale of one man's extraordinary experience. Travis Walton, a logger in Arizona, mysteriously disappeared for five days in 1975 after encountering a UFO in the forest. His friends and co-workers were accused of his murder, but Travis reappeared with a shocking story of being abducted by aliens.

This documentary delves into the details of Travis's abduction, the skepticism he faced, and the impact it had on his life. Through interviews with Travis and his friends, the film paints a vivid picture of the events surrounding his disappearance and the aftermath of his return.

Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton is a compelling look at one man's journey through a truly unbelievable experience. It challenges viewers to question what they believe and consider the possibility of life beyond our planet.

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Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton

User reviews

Edward Johnson

The emotional impact of Travis's story is amplified by the poignant and emotive soundtrack. The music conveys the sense of fear, confusion, and wonder that Travis must have felt during his ordeal.

Daniel Gonzalez

The soundtrack's use of haunting melodies and ethereal tones creates a sense of unease and wonder, mirroring Travis's own feelings during his abduction.

Elizabeth Nelson

The music in the documentary helps to build tension and suspense, especially during the reenactments of Travis's encounter with the UFO. It sets the tone for the audience and enhances the overall viewing experience.

Elizabeth Williams

The music enhances the emotional impact of Travis Walton's extraordinary experience, drawing the audience deeper into his story.

Donna Baker

The soundtrack expertly conveys the sense of isolation and alienation that Travis must have felt during his time missing, adding depth to the storytelling.

Melissa Anderson

The score effectively underscores the moments of tension and disbelief in the film, adding layers of intensity to the narrative.

Karen Allen

The use of music in the documentary helps to build suspense and intrigue, keeping the audience engaged and invested in Travis's story.

Deborah Martinez

Overall, the musical score of the documentary adds a layer of depth and emotion to Travis's incredible story. It serves as a powerful accompaniment to the visuals and dialogue, enhancing the overall impact of the film.