Truth About Kerry Soundtrack (

Truth About Kerry Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 273 votes
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Title in Español:

Truth About Kerry

Title in Italiano:

Truth About Kerry

Title in Português:

Truth About Kerry


Truth About Kerry is a psychological thriller that follows a young woman named Kerry who mysteriously disappears during a trip to Dublin. As her friends search for her, they uncover dark secrets and hidden truths about Kerry's past.

The film delves into the complexities of friendship and betrayal, as Kerry's friends question how well they really knew her. As they dig deeper, they realize that Kerry may have been leading a double life, with a web of lies and deceit surrounding her.

As the mystery unravels, the truth about Kerry's disappearance becomes more twisted and sinister. Her friends must confront their own demons and face the harsh reality that they may never truly know the truth about Kerry.

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Play Title Artist
Truth About Kerry
Candle Light

User reviews

Elizabeth Mitchell

The soundtrack of Truth About Kerry failed to capture the suspense and tension of the psychological thriller. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the storyline.

Joseph Green

The soundtrack seamlessly transitions between moments of tension and moments of introspection, enhancing the storytelling.

Matthew Martin

The choice of songs in the film seemed out of place and did not complement the dark and mysterious tone of Kerry's disappearance. It often felt like the music distracted rather than enhanced the viewing experience, taking away from the intensity of the plot.

Brian Williams

The emotional resonance of the music resonates long after the film has ended, leaving a lasting impact on the viewer.

George Campbell

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of Truth About Kerry feel repetitive and fail to offer much variety in terms of emotions and moods. While the music serves its purpose in building tension, a more diverse range of sounds and themes could have added depth and complexity to the storytelling, making the viewing experience even more engaging and immersive.

Sarah Thomas

The emotional depth conveyed through the music adds layers to the characters' struggles and inner turmoil.

Melissa Allen

Overall, the Truth About Kerry soundtrack is a masterful complement to the film, elevating the storytelling and immersing the audience in its dark and enigmatic world.

Stephanie Taylor

The soundtrack of Truth About Kerry effectively creates a sense of suspense and intrigue, enhancing the overall mysterious atmosphere of the film. The haunting melodies and tense rhythms perfectly capture the essence of Kerry's enigmatic disappearance, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the movie.

Kenneth Thomas

Overall, the soundtrack of Truth About Kerry missed the mark in creating a haunting and atmospheric ambiance that would have elevated the storytelling. It felt like a missed opportunity to add depth and complexity to the characters' emotional journey.

Margaret Mitchell

The music enhances the sense of mystery and keeps the audience engaged in unraveling the secrets surrounding Kerry's disappearance.

John Evans

The diversity of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack creates a rich and immersive listening experience.

David King

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of unease and uneasiness that permeates the film.

Matthew Brown

The haunting melodies in the Truth About Kerry soundtrack perfectly capture the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the psychological thriller.

Karen Perez

The use of different musical motifs helps to establish the complex relationships and hidden truths within the story.

Donald Smith

The music intensifies the suspense and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the film.