Undisputed tells the story of George "Ice Man" Chambers (Rhames), a top ranked heavyweight boxer whose life takes a drastic turn when he is accused of rape and sent to prison. Upon his arrival, he learns about Monroe Hutchen (Snipes), the reigning prison boxing champion for the past 10 years.
There is immediate tension between Chambers and Hutchen, as Chambers refuses to accept being second to anyone. This leads to a violent confrontation in the prison lunch room. Fellow inmate Emmanuel 'Mendy' Ripstein (Peter Falk) sees an opportunity to make money and arranges a boxing match between the two men to determine the true UNDISPUTED champion.
The film also features Michael Rooker as a guard, Fisher Stevens, John Seda, and Master P in supporting roles.
Play | Title | Artist |
Monroe Solitary
Stanley Clarke:
In Here
Stanley Clarke:
Leave the Iceman
Stanley Clarke:
Time Has Come Today
Joseph Chambers:
The United States National Anthem
Master P: