Unfinished Business Soundtrack (

Unfinished Business Soundtrack (1985) cover

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Rating: 6.30/10 from 26 votes
Tags: former lover, taking someone's temperature, walk on the beach, taking someone's temperature
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Unfinished Business

Title in Italiano:

Unfinished Business

Title in Português:

Unfinished Business


Unfinished Business is a story about a young woman named Sarah who is struggling to come to terms with her past. She is haunted by the memories of her abusive father and the trauma she endured as a child. As she tries to move on with her life, she is forced to confront her past when her father suddenly reappears after years of absence.

Sarah must now face the demons of her past and find a way to finally put them to rest. With the help of her friends and therapist, she begins to unravel the secrets that have been buried for so long. As she delves deeper into her past, she discovers that there is more to her father's disappearance than meets the eye.

Will Sarah be able to find closure and move on from her past, or will she be forever haunted by the unfinished business that has plagued her for so long? Only time will tell as Sarah embarks on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

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Unfinished Business

User reviews

Charles Harris

The use of subtle instruments and atmospheric sounds in the soundtrack added layers of depth to the storytelling, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Thomas Davis

The soundtrack of Unfinished Business is a powerful accompaniment to Sarah's emotional journey. The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics perfectly capture the inner turmoil and struggles she faces as she confronts her past.

Ashley Thompson

The way the music escalated during pivotal moments in the film heightened the emotional impact and drew me further into Sarah's journey of self-discovery.

Deborah Wright

Overall, I was disappointed by the lackluster and underwhelming soundtrack of Unfinished Business, as it missed the opportunity to elevate the storytelling and connect the audience with Sarah's emotional journey in a meaningful way.

Susan Evans

The soundtrack's ability to convey Sarah's inner conflict and growth throughout the story was truly commendable, adding an extra layer of depth to the character development.

Michael White

Overall, the Unfinished Business soundtrack served as a powerful narrative tool, enhancing the storytelling and bringing an added dimension to the film's exploration of trauma, healing, and self-discovery.

Paul Turner

Overall, the soundtrack of Unfinished Business is a poignant and evocative musical score that effectively conveys the emotional weight of Sarah's journey towards healing and closure. It complements the storytelling and enhances the viewer's connection to the characters and their struggles.

Donna Lewis

The use of recurring musical motifs throughout the soundtrack helped to tie together different moments in the film, creating a sense of continuity and cohesion.

Karen Parker

The use of subtle instruments and ambient sounds in the soundtrack creates a sense of unease and tension, mirroring Sarah's own internal conflict and the unresolved issues from her past. The music enhances the emotional depth of the story and adds another layer of complexity to the narrative.

James Evans

The themes and motifs present in the soundtrack beautifully mirrored the themes of healing and closure explored in the film, creating a cohesive and immersive audio-visual experience.

Stephanie Green

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack perfectly reflected Sarah's haunted memories of her abusive father, creating a sense of unease and tension that resonated with the storyline.

Kimberly Gonzalez

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a range of emotions, from sorrow to hope, showcased the skillful composition and arrangement that went into creating it.

Edward Martin

The soundtrack of Unfinished Business perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of Sarah's journey. Each track evokes a sense of nostalgia, pain, and hope, mirroring the inner turmoil she experiences throughout the story.

Sarah Carter

I found the soundtrack to be repetitive and forgettable, with no standout tracks that left a lasting impression or added any meaningful layers to the narrative. It failed to create a compelling atmosphere or enhance the viewing experience, ultimately falling short of elevating the emotional impact of Sarah's story.

George Garcia

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of the songs transport the listener into Sarah's world, allowing us to empathize with her struggles and triumphs. The music serves as a powerful tool to convey the raw emotions and inner conflicts that Sarah grapples with, making the story even more engaging and impactful.

Laura Perez

Overall, the soundtrack of Unfinished Business is a masterful complement to the narrative, enhancing the emotional resonance of the story and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

William White

The soundtrack of Unfinished Business failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of Sarah's journey. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to enhance the storytelling or evoke the necessary emotions to connect with Sarah's struggles.

Kenneth Campbell

The emotional depth and complexity of the Unfinished Business soundtrack truly captured the inner turmoil and struggles of the main character, Sarah.