"Variola Vera" is a Yugoslavian film directed by Goran Markovic. The film is based on a true story that takes place in 1972 in Yugoslavia, where a smallpox epidemic breaks out in a small town. The film follows the efforts of a doctor, Dr. Dragutin Kenigsmark, who is tasked with containing the outbreak and preventing it from spreading further.
As the epidemic worsens, Dr. Kenigsmark must make difficult decisions in order to save as many lives as possible. The film explores the moral dilemmas faced by the doctor and the townspeople as they struggle to cope with the deadly disease.
The film is a powerful and gripping portrayal of the devastating effects of a smallpox epidemic and the heroism of those who risk their lives to contain it. "Variola Vera" is a must-see for anyone interested in historical dramas and medical thrillers.