Victor Frankenstein Soundtrack (

Victor Frankenstein Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 6.00/10 from 61000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Victor Frankenstein

Title in Português:

Victor Frankenstein

Title in Français:

Docteur Frankenstein

Title in Türk:

Victor Frankenstein


Victor Frankenstein tells the story of a brief but intense encounter between the deformed circus clown and amateur anatomist, Igor, and the ambitious medical student, Victor Frankenstein.

Obsessed with the haunting mysteries of creation, the eccentric doctor works tirelessly on finding a way to overcome the obstacle of death by reanimating dead tissue through electricity and Igor's help.

However, flawed early prototypes and an unwelcome brush with a resolute Scotland Yard detective threaten to put a premature end to the couple's efforts.

In the end, just how far will Frankenstein go to create life out of death?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Victor Frankenstein
Unter Donner und Blitz, Op. 324
Johann Strauss: Writer
Craig Armstrong: Arrangement
Valse Bleue
Craig Armstrong: Arrangement
Marche Militaire No. 1, Op. 51
Franz Schubert: Writer
Craig Armstrong: Arrangement
Waltz from 'Coppélia'
Léo Delibes: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Arrangement
Charles Nuitter: Libretto
España Waltz, Op. 236
Craig Armstrong: Arrangement
Emil Waldteufel: Writer
Les Patineurs Valse, Op. 183
Craig Armstrong: Arrangement
Emil Waldteufel: Writer
The Circus
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Victor Arrives
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Igor's Books
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Never Been Out
Craig Armstrong: Performer
The Hospital
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Victor and Igor
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Igor Transformed
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Turpin Inspects
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Lion's Foot
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Dark Red Theme 3
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Eyes Revealed
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Getting to Work
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Dark Red Theme 2
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Body Parts
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Card Trick
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Gordon's Escape
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Igor and Lorelei
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Victor's Father
Craig Armstrong: Performer
A New Design
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Basement Raid
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Victor's Story
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Prometheus Ascending
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Turpin's Theme
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Igor's Theme
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Dark Red Theme 1
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer
Craig Armstrong: Performer

User reviews

Lisa Baker

The soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the film, immersing the listener in the world of creation and reanimation.

Ronald Wright

I found the use of electronic elements in the soundtrack to be distracting and out of place in a period piece like Victor Frankenstein. The modern sound clashed with the gothic atmosphere of the movie, taking away from the immersion in the Victorian setting and narrative.

Brian Thompson

The musical score skillfully builds tension and suspense, enhancing the dramatic moments of the film and keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Nancy Johnson

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein feel repetitive and uninspired. While the music serves its purpose in setting the mood, it lacks the depth and complexity needed to truly elevate the emotional impact of the film.

Melissa Miller

Each track in the soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of urgency and determination felt by Victor Frankenstein and Igor as they push the boundaries of science and morality.

Melissa Allen

The soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein seemed disjointed and lacking a cohesive theme throughout the movie. The music failed to effectively capture the intensity and drama of the story, leaving me feeling disconnected from the emotional impact of the film.

Anthony Rodriguez

The haunting melodies evoke the sense of obsession and desperation that drives Frankenstein and Igor to push the boundaries of science and morality. The music enhances the emotional depth of the characters and the moral dilemmas they face throughout the film.

Andrew Jones

Overall, the soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein enhances the viewing experience and elevates the emotional impact of the narrative, making it a standout element of the film.

Timothy Hill

The soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the story. Each track immerses the listener in the dark and mysterious world of the eccentric doctor and his ambitious experiments.

Kimberly Martin

The use of orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack adds a classic and timeless feel to the story, complementing the historical setting of the film.

Susan Allen

The orchestral arrangements are powerful and evocative, creating a sense of tension and foreboding that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The soundtrack effectively complements the visuals and dialogue, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Dorothy Nelson

The score of Victor Frankenstein felt repetitive and uninspired, with few memorable melodies or motifs to enhance the storytelling. The music often felt like background noise rather than a vital component that could elevate the scenes and heighten the tension of the plot.

Timothy Nelson

Overall, the soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein is a standout element of the film, adding depth and emotion to the story of creation and ambition gone awry.

Laura Johnson

The soundtrack of Victor Frankenstein effectively captures the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the story. The haunting melodies and use of ominous tones create a sense of tension and unease, enhancing the overall viewing experience.