Viper in the Fist is a novel written by Hervé Bazin. It tells the story of a young boy named Jean Rezeau who grows up in a dysfunctional family. His mother is a cold and distant woman, while his father is an abusive alcoholic. Jean's only solace is his older brother, Marcel, who protects him from their father's wrath.
As Jean navigates his difficult childhood, he learns to cope with the challenges of his family life. He finds comfort in his studies and dreams of escaping his troubled home. However, when Marcel is sent away to a boarding school, Jean is left to face his father's abuse alone.
Throughout the novel, Jean struggles to find his own identity and break free from the toxic cycle of his family. He must confront his past and come to terms with the pain and trauma he has endured. Viper in the Fist is a powerful and poignant coming-of-age story that explores themes of family, resilience, and the search for self-identity.