Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors is a film that follows the story of a young man named Jae-hoon who arrives at a hotel for a meeting with a woman named Soo-jung. However, she calls to cancel the meeting, leaving Jae-hoon disappointed. The two had met through Young-soo, an independent filmmaker, as Soo-jung writes for him and Jae-hoon may finance his film project.
Through two long parallel flashbacks, the film explores the events leading up to the hotel date from varying perspectives. Each account includes details that are missing from the other, creating a sense of mystery and uncertainty. The characters in the film are portrayed as quiet and self-contained, but also animated and apologetic.
Throughout the film, the characters frequently question the truth of what has happened, asking "Really?" This raises the question of which account is more accurate and whether a simple kiss can be the most meaningful form of human connection. The film highlights the tenuous and fragile nature of relationships and the complexities of human interaction.