Vis a Vis: El Oasis is a Spanish television series that follows the story of Macarena Ferreiro and Zulema Zahir, two former inmates of a high-security women's prison. In this spin-off, the two women team up to carry out a heist that will allow them to live their lives in freedom.
Macarena and Zulema plan to steal a valuable tiara from the daughter of a Russian oligarch during her wedding. However, things take an unexpected turn when they discover that the tiara is cursed and brings bad luck to whoever possesses it.
As Macarena and Zulema navigate through their heist, they must also deal with their own personal demons and past traumas. The series explores themes of friendship, betrayal, and redemption as the two women try to outsmart their enemies and secure their freedom.
Vis a Vis: El Oasis is a thrilling and action-packed series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as Macarena and Zulema embark on their dangerous journey to freedom.