Werner - Beinhart! is a German animated comedy film that follows the adventures of the protagonist, Werner, a beer-drinking, motorcycle-riding, and foul-mouthed character. He works as a driver for a brewery and gets into all sorts of trouble with his friends.
One day, Werner and his friends decide to participate in a motorcycle race, but things take a turn for the worse when they get involved with a group of criminals. The gangsters are after a valuable motorcycle part that Werner's friend, Andi, has unknowingly acquired.
As the story unfolds, Werner and his friends must outsmart the criminals and save Andi from danger. The film is filled with humor, action, and memorable characters, making it a cult classic in German cinema.
Play | Title | Artist |
Werner - Beinhart!
Adios Amigo
Let's Dance
C.C. Rider
Just One Look