Wet Woman in the Wind is a Japanese film directed by Akihiko Shiota. The story follows a playwright named Kosuke who is living in seclusion in the mountains. One day, a mysterious woman named Shiori shows up at his doorstep, completely drenched from the rain. Kosuke reluctantly allows her to stay, but soon finds himself drawn to her unpredictable and seductive nature.
As the two engage in a series of passionate and intense encounters, their relationship becomes increasingly complicated. Kosuke must confront his own desires and insecurities, while Shiori's true intentions remain shrouded in mystery. The film explores themes of desire, power dynamics, and the complexities of human relationships.
Wet Woman in the Wind is a provocative and visually striking film that challenges traditional notions of romance and sexuality. It is a bold and unapologetic exploration of the darker aspects of human nature, wrapped in a sensual and atmospheric package.