White House Down Soundtrack (

White House Down Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 237000 votes
Tags: white house, automatic weapon, attempted coup d'etat, stabbed with a pen
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Asalto al poder

Title in Português:

Ataque ao Poder

Title in Français:

White House Down

Title in Türk:

Beyaz Saray Düştü

Title in Deutsch:

White House Down


John Cale is a policeman and former serviceman who wants to be a Secret Service Agent cause he hopes it can bring him and his estranged daughter together because she is a big fan of the President. When he goes for his interview, he brings his daughter along. But the person who interviews him, knows him and tells him he just lacks some of the requirements needed to be an agent.

So he goes to get his daughter to leave but when someone asks them if they want to go on a tour of the White House she accepts. Later there's an explosion and some of the men working kill the security and go to the armory to get more weapons. And they proceed to take over the White House.

When the President hears what's going on, the Secret Service man in charges decides to take him to the bunker but when they get there, he kills everybody and points a gun at the President. Cale is being held in a room by some men with guns. His daughter stepped out to go to the bathroom. Cale then gets away to find her. But he hears what's going on in the bunker and saves the President and takes him away.

The Secret Service man tells the others to get the President alive cause they need him to carry out their plans. Cale tries to get the President out but must also save his daughter.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
White House Down
Spanish Flea
Symphony No. 5 in C minor
Symphony No. 7 in A major
Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor
Street Fighting Man
Mick Jagger: Writer
The Rolling Stones: Performer
White House Down Opening Theme
Harald Kloser: Performer
Harald Kloser: Performer
Arrival At The White House
Harald Kloser: Performer
Give Me A Chance
Harald Kloser: Performer
Let's Go
Harald Kloser: Performer
Elevator Chase
Harald Kloser: Performer
Work To Do
Harald Kloser: Performer
Satellite Phone
Harald Kloser: Performer
Fighting Vadim
Harald Kloser: Performer
Emily Is On TV
Harald Kloser: Performer
Harald Kloser: Performer
Facial Recognition
Harald Kloser: Performer
Daughters & Finnerty's Plan
Harald Kloser: Performer
Which Direction
Harald Kloser: Performer
Cale's On The Roof
Harald Kloser: Performer
We Are A Go
Harald Kloser: Performer
Ground Impact Confirmed
Harald Kloser: Performer
You Have 8 Minutes
Harald Kloser: Performer
After The Fire
Harald Kloser: Performer
Gonna Shoot Me?
Harald Kloser: Performer
Two Minutes To Target
Harald Kloser: Performer
White House Down End Theme
Harald Kloser: Performer
Chevy Knights (Mickey & Mallory) (performed by He Met Her)
Harald Kloser: Performer

User reviews

Andrew Adams

The dynamic and energetic compositions in the soundtrack elevate the adrenaline-fueled sequences, creating a sense of urgency and excitement that complements the fast-paced nature of the storyline. The music truly enhances the overall cinematic experience of White House Down.

Lisa Perez

The soundtrack effectively underscores the bravery and determination of John Cale as he navigates through the chaos of the White House takeover.

Patricia Scott

The use of orchestral elements in the soundtrack elevates the tension during key moments of the plot, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Ronald Young

I found the soundtrack of White House Down to be lacking in emotional depth and failed to effectively capture the intensity of the action sequences. The music felt generic and uninspired, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the suspense of the film.

Stephanie Mitchell

The musical score seamlessly transitions between moments of high-energy action and quieter, more emotional scenes, enhancing the overall pacing of the film.

Nancy Carter

The music effectively builds anticipation and suspense, heightening the impact of major plot twists and reveals.

John Campbell

The use of dynamic instrumentation and rhythmic patterns in the soundtrack adds a layer of excitement and urgency to the on-screen events.

James King

Overall, the soundtrack of White House Down complements the film's narrative and visuals, creating a cohesive and immersive viewing experience for the audience.

Dorothy Gonzalez

The soundtrack features memorable motifs that help to establish a sense of continuity and cohesion throughout the film.

Brian Wilson

The soundtrack of White House Down perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the film's action-packed scenes.

Matthew Wright

The emotional depth portrayed in the soundtrack adds another layer to the characters' relationships and struggles, especially highlighting the bond between John Cale and his daughter. The music conveys the heartfelt moments with sensitivity and poignancy.

Brian Lee

The music enhances the emotional connection between John Cale and his daughter, adding depth to their characters and relationship.

Melissa Rodriguez

Furthermore, the soundtrack seemed disjointed and inconsistent in its tone, making it challenging to follow the narrative flow of the movie. The transitions between different musical themes felt abrupt and jarring, detracting from the overall viewing experience and failing to enhance the on-screen drama.

Margaret Rodriguez

The White House Down soundtrack perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the film's action-packed scenes. The music enhances the thrilling moments and keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Elizabeth Hernandez

The emotional depth of the soundtrack shines through during the scenes depicting the relationship between John Cale and his daughter. The poignant melodies and heartfelt themes evoke a sense of family bond and love, adding a touching dimension to the story.

John Campbell

The soundtrack of White House Down perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film's thrilling plot. The use of dramatic orchestral pieces and intense percussion enhances the action sequences, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the movie.

Timothy King

The soundtrack of White House Down seamlessly blends with the on-screen visuals, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. The dynamic range of musical styles, from high-energy tracks during intense moments to softer, emotional pieces during quieter scenes, showcases the versatility and skill of the film's composers.