Wolf and Sheep is a film set in a remote village in the mountains of Afghanistan. The story revolves around a young shepherd named Qodrat who has a crush on a beautiful girl named Sedighe. However, their love is forbidden by the village elders due to their different social statuses.
As Qodrat tries to win Sedighe's heart, he faces many obstacles and challenges. The village is plagued by a mysterious wolf that preys on their sheep, causing tension and fear among the villagers. Qodrat must find a way to protect his flock and prove himself to Sedighe and the rest of the village.
Throughout the film, themes of love, tradition, and survival are explored as Qodrat navigates the complexities of rural life in Afghanistan. The film offers a glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of the villagers as they come together to overcome adversity and preserve their way of life.