Wreckers is a British drama film that follows a young couple, Dawn and David, who return to David's childhood village to start a new life. However, their plans are disrupted when David's estranged brother, Nick, comes back into their lives.
As Nick's presence begins to unravel the couple's relationship, dark secrets from the past are revealed, leading to a series of shocking events that force Dawn and David to confront the truth about their own lives and the people they thought they knew.
Wreckers explores themes of family, betrayal, and the consequences of keeping secrets, as the characters are forced to confront their own demons and face the reality of their relationships.
Play | Title | Artist |
If Ye Love Me
Thomas Tallis:
Danny Boy
Frederick Edward Weatherly:
(uncredited) traditional tune, lyrics
Für Elise
Ludwig van Beethoven:
Clair de Lune
Claude Debussy: