Yor: The Hunter from the Future is a 1983 Italian science fiction film directed by Antonio Margheriti. The film follows the adventures of Yor, a warrior from a post-apocalyptic world who embarks on a journey to discover his true identity.
Yor is a skilled hunter and fighter, known for his bravery and strength. As he travels through different lands, he encounters various dangers and challenges, including battling savage tribes and prehistoric creatures.
Throughout his quest, Yor is aided by a mysterious woman named Ka-Laa and a wise old man named Pag. Together, they uncover the truth about Yor's origins and his connection to a powerful ancient civilization.
Yor: The Hunter from the Future is a thrilling adventure filled with action, suspense, and mystery. Join Yor as he faces his destiny and fights to save the world from a dark and dangerous threat.