Zero Tolerance is a thrilling story about FBI agent Jeff Douglas, who becomes entangled in a dangerous game after surviving a sneak attack while transporting drug kingpin Raymond Manta out of a Mexican jail.
Jeff, along with fellow agents Jimmy and Gene, is targeted by the White Hand drug cartel, who mistakenly inform him that his family is being held hostage. In reality, his family has already been murdered.
Forced to become a courier for the White Hand, Jeff discovers the true identities of the cartel's leaders: Manta, Helmut Vitch, Milt Kowalski, Russ LaFleur, and Hansel Lee.
After narrowly escaping a car bombing in Las Vegas, Jeff teams up with agent Megan, who has her own personal vendetta against the cartel. Together, they steal FBI files and embark on a mission to take down the White Hand once and for all.