Zola is a 2020 American biographical comedy-drama film directed by Janicza Bravo and written by Bravo and Jeremy O. Harris. The film is based on a viral Twitter thread from 2015, which tells the story of a stripper named Zola who goes on a wild road trip to Florida with a fellow stripper and her shady boyfriend.
The film stars Taylour Paige as Zola, Riley Keough as Stefani, Nicholas Braun as Derrek, and Colman Domingo as X. As the trip takes a dark turn, Zola must navigate through dangerous situations and confront her own moral boundaries.
Zola premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival to critical acclaim, with praise for its performances, direction, and unique storytelling. The film was released in theaters in 2021 and has since gained a cult following for its bold and unapologetic portrayal of a true story.