Various Bandas sonoras

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Beech Spring (The Corps of Discovery) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Heart of the Heartland (Lewis' Theme) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Simple Majesty (Clark's Theme) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Shenandoah (Jefferson's Theme) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Sitting In the Stern of a Boat (The Journey Begins) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
When Summer Ends (Garden of Eden: The Great Plains) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Cheyenne Eyes (Children of the Great Father) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Buffalo Hump (Confrontation with the Teton Sioux) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Sitting In the Stern of a Boat (The Death of Sergent Charles Floyd) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Old French (Dancing with the Mandans) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Sacagawea's Lullabye (Sacagawea's Theme) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Beech Spring (We Proceed On) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
When Summer Ends (Scenes of Visionary Enchantment) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Margaret Ann Robertson (Names On the Land) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Bonaparte's Retreat (Fourth of July, 1805) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Along the River (The Shoshones) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Heart of the Heartland (Lewis' 31st Birthday) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Brown Adam, The Smith (The Most Terrible Mountains) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Juice of Barley (Downriver to the Sea) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon
Sitting In the Stern of a Boat (The Vote at the Pacific) Lewis & Clark Artista Comprar en Amazon