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When Okita Kazuaki was starting out as a doctor, he was forced to resign from the hospital.
Debido a circunstancias desconocidas, Okita Kazuaki se vio obligado a renunciar al hospital cuando apenas comenzaba su carrera como médico.
He left his girlfriend Danjo Mifuyu behind and went to the US alone.
Dejó atrás a su novia Danjo Mifuyu y se fue solo a los Estados Unidos.
10 years go by and he comes back as a surgeon with outstanding skills to save his former teacher from illness.
Pasaron 10 años y regresa como cirujano con habilidades sobresalientes para salvar a su antiguo maestro de una enfermedad.
His teacher is none other than his ex-girlfriend's father.
Su maestro resulta ser nada menos que el padre de su ex novia.
In the time that Okita was away, Mifuyu had married his own good friend Masao, who is now the deputy director and the heir of the hospital.
Durante el tiempo que Okita estuvo ausente, Mifuyu se casó con su buen amigo Masao, quien ahora es el subdirector y heredero del hospital.
To make matters worse, this friend was the one who plotted to drive him out form the hospital 10 years ago.
Para empeorar las cosas, este amigo fue quien conspiró para expulsarlo del hospital hace 10 años.
Okita has to face all sorts of ordeals to save his teacher.
Okita tiene que enfrentar todo tipo de pruebas para salvar a su maestro.
But he never gives up amid the swirl of love, desire, friendship, jealousy and pride.
Sin embargo, nunca se rinde en medio del torbellino de amor, deseo, amistad, celos y orgullo.
Okita may be awkward but deals with patients with all his heart.
Okita puede ser torpe, pero trata a sus pacientes con todo su corazón.
His way of life gets the people working at the hospital to start asking themselves what real healthcare is.
Su forma de vida hace que las personas que trabajan en el hospital comiencen a preguntarse qué es realmente la atención médica.