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La guerra en Irak es el telón de fondo mientras Crosby, Stills, Nash y Young "Freedom of Speech Tour" atraviesan América del Norte. Los ecos del sentimiento antibélico de la era de Vietnam abundan a medida que la banda se conecta con el público actual.
Reproducir | Título | Artista |
CSNY/Déjà Vu
After The Garden
America The Beautiful
A Traitor's Death
Bored on the Border
Carry On
Déjà Vu
Find The Cost of Freedom
For What It's Worth
Helplessly Hoping
Immigration Man
Let's Impeach The President
Living With War
Living With War Theme
Living With War Network Theme
Looking For A Leader
Military Madness
Restless Consumer
Rockin' In The Free World
Roger and Out
Shock and Awe
Southern Cross
The Star Spangled Banner
Super Safe Firm Base
Travelin' Soldier
Wooden Ships
What Are Their Names?
Shakey Pictures Fanfare
Jack Nitzsche: