La vuelta al mundo en 80 días Banda sonora (

La vuelta al mundo en 80 días Banda sonora (2004) carátula

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Valoración: 5.90/10 de 83823 votos
Etiquetas: uñas largas, Era Victoriana, Estatua de Buda, hombre chino, mujer china
Nombres alternativos:
Título en Italiano:

Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni

Título en Português:

A Volta ao Mundo em 80 Dias

Título en English:

Around the World in 80 Days

Título en Français:

Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jours

Título en Türk:

80 Günde Devr-i Alem

Título en Deutsch:

In 80 Tagen um die Welt


Un aventurero, Passepartout, termina acompañando al caballero inglés obsesionado con el tiempo, Phileas Fogg, en una atrevida misión para viajar alrededor del mundo. Fogg ha apostado con los miembros de su club de Londres a que puede atravesar el mundo en 80 días. En el camino, se encuentran con muchas figuras interesantes del siglo XIX y tienen muchas situaciones emocionantes y de suspenso en su viaje alrededor del mundo.

Escucha y descarga la lista de bandas sonoras

Reproducir Título Artista
La vuelta al mundo en 80 días
Everybody, All over the World (Join the Celebration)
David A. Stewart: Artista
David A. Stewart: Escritor
David A. Stewart: Producida
River of Dreams
David A. Stewart: Escritor
David A. Stewart: Producida
It's a Small World
Baha Men: Artista
Richard M. Sherman: Escritor
Around the World in 80 Days Theme (Hans Zimmer & Christian Lundberg)
Estella's Theme
Let the Adventure Begin
The Joy Is Mine the Pain Is Mine
It's Your Choice Miss Fix
Riding Into Town
Three O'Clock to Brindisi
He Has Killed a Man
When You Gotta Go You Gotta Go
A Train to Catch
Headed for Battle Mountain
At Least She Is Safe
Unexpected Love
Goodbye to Digby
Crossing the Bridge
An Intimate Dance
Last Chance Waltz
What Sort of Life Would We Have Had Together (Pt. 1)
What Sort of Life Would We Have Had Together (Pt. 2)
Around the World in 80 Days End Credits
Everybody All Over the World (Join the Celebration) (David A. Stewart & Sylvia Young Theater School Choir)
Trevor Jones: Artista
River of Dreams (Tina Sugandh)
Trevor Jones: Artista
It's a Small World (Baha Men)
Trevor Jones: Artista
Around the World Overture
Trevor Jones: Artista
Jetpack Journey
Trevor Jones: Artista
The Wager
Trevor Jones: Artista
Rendezvous In Paris
Trevor Jones: Artista
The Balloon Chase
Trevor Jones: Artista
1st Class Waltz
Trevor Jones: Artista
Prince Hapi Escape
Trevor Jones: Artista
Agra to China
Trevor Jones: Artista
Return of the Jade Buddha
Trevor Jones: Artista
Lost In America
Trevor Jones: Artista
Dismantling Carmen
Trevor Jones: Artista
Exactly Like My Dream
Trevor Jones: Artista
The Legend of the Scorpion King
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Scorpion Shoes
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Imhotep Unearthed
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Just a Oasis
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Bracelet Awakens
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Evy Kidnapped
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Rick's Tattoo
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Imhotep Reborn
Alan Silvestri: Artista
My First Bus Ride
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Mushy Part
Alan Silvestri: Artista
A Gift and a Curse
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Medjai Commanders
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Evy Remembers
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
We're In Trouble
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Pygmy Attach
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Come Back Evy
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Mummy Returns
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Forever May Not Be Long Enough (Live)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Inner Sanctum / The Nesting Grounds
The Egg Travels
Aladar & Neera
The Courtship
The End of Our Island
They're All Gone
Raptors / Stand Together
Across the Desert
Finding Water
The Cave
The Carnotaur Attack
Neera Rescues the Orphans
It Comes With a Pool
Kron & Aladar Fight
Epilogue - Dinosaur
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus and M. Keali'i Ho' Omalu)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Stuck On You (Elvis Presley)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Burning Love (Wynonna)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Suspicious Minds (Elvis Presley)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis Presley)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
(You're The) Devil in Disguise (Elvis Presley)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
He Mele No Lilo (Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus and M. Keali'i Ho' Omalu)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Hound Dog (Elvis Presley)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Can't Help Falling In Love (A*Teens)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Stitch To The Rescue (Alan Silvestri)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
You Can Never Belong (Score) (Alan Silvestri)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
I'm Lost (Alan Silvestri)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Estella's Theme
It's Your Choice Miss Fix
Three O'Clock to Brindisi
It's a Small World (Baha Men)
Trevor Jones: Artista
Rick's Tattoo
Alan Silvestri: Artista
We're In Trouble
Alan Silvestri: Artista
They're All Gone
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus and M. Keali'i Ho' Omalu)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
(You're The) Devil in Disguise (Elvis Presley)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
He Mele No Lilo (Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus and M. Keali'i Ho' Omalu)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Can't Help Falling In Love (A*Teens)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
I'm Lost (Alan Silvestri)
Alan Silvestri: Artista