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Las Lovedolls regresan de su prematura desaparición en esta secuela de 1986 de "Desperate Teenage Lovedolls". Patch Kelley (Janet Housden) se convierte en Patch Christ, el líder de un culto religioso dañado por el ácido que rescata a Kitty Karryall de una vida borracha y desperdiciada. ¡Mecedoras de Redd Kross, Sonic Youth, Meat Puppets, Dead Kennedys y más! No puedes matar a un Lovedoll, nena ... ¡porque las superestrellas nunca mueren!
Reproducir | Título | Artista |
Lovedolls Superstar
Lovedolls Superstar
Beer & Ludes
Rex Smith (I Wanna Be a Cholo Chick)
Leaving the Freedom School
Rainbow on Melrose
Launchpad Overture
The Love Machine
Chuck Dukowski:
Now That I've Tasted Blood
Kim Pilkington:
Hallowed Be My Name
Death to Our Friends
Seal Whales
Baby Don't Go
Darling She-La
Painted Willie:
One Way Ticket to Pluto
Slam, Spit, Cut Your Hair, Kill Your Mom
See You in the Pit
Give Peace a Chance
John Lennon:
Stepping Stone
Tommy Boyce:
Streets of Hollyweird
Carl Celery's Vegetable Sounds
Lord of the Wasteland
Better Than Guyana
Kitty's Dream
Incident in Lawndale
March of the Zombies
Patricia's Revenge
Sinister Sister
Kitty's Ballet
Fake Carpenters
Sunset Strut
Blues for the Dolls
Rainbow's Lament Parts 1 and 2