Na-neun wang-i-ro-so-i-da Banda sonora (

Na-neun wang-i-ro-so-i-da Banda sonora (2012) carátula

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Valoración: 5.80/10 de 296 votos
Nombres alternativos:
Título en English:

I Am a King

Título en Italiano:

I Am a King

Título en Português:

I Am a King

Título en Français:

I Am a King

Título en Türk:

I Am a King

Título en Deutsch:

I Am a King


"I Am a King" es una película que narra la historia de un joven príncipe que se ve obligado a asumir el trono de su reino después de la repentina muerte de su padre. A pesar de su juventud e inexperiencia, el príncipe demuestra ser un líder valiente y compasivo, dispuesto a luchar por su pueblo y defender su legado.

En medio de intrigas palaciegas y conspiraciones, el príncipe se enfrenta a numerosos desafíos que pondrán a prueba su coraje y determinación. Con la ayuda de sus leales consejeros y el apoyo de su pueblo, el joven monarca logra consolidar su poder y llevar a su reino a la prosperidad y la paz.

La película destaca la importancia del liderazgo, la lealtad y la valentía en tiempos de adversidad. A través de la historia del príncipe, se nos muestra cómo el verdadero poder no reside en la corona que se lleva en la cabeza, sino en el corazón y la voluntad de hacer lo correcto por el bienestar de todos.

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Reproducir Título Artista
Na-neun wang-i-ro-so-i-da
Mr. Clay
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Full Steam Ahead
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Family Business
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Marching On
Johnny Klimek: Artista
The King Is Coming
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Johnny Klimek: Artista
New Hampshire
Johnny Klimek: Artista
A Hologram For The King – End Title
Johnny Klimek: Artista
Bonus Track: Traveler
Johnny Klimek: Artista
A Lifetime to You
Earl Rose: Artista
Right There Before Us
Earl Rose: Artista
Center of Attention
Earl Rose: Artista
In Praising Carson
Earl Rose: Artista
Act Like My Wife
Earl Rose: Artista
To N.B.C.
Earl Rose: Artista
My Wife Joanne
Earl Rose: Artista
You Needed the Work
Earl Rose: Artista
Born in Corning
Earl Rose: Artista
Best Read Person
Earl Rose: Artista
My Crown Won't Fit
Earl Rose: Artista
I'm So Lonely
Earl Rose: Artista
No Idea How He Does It
Earl Rose: Artista
Your Acceptance
Earl Rose: Artista
Wish You Were Flirting
Earl Rose: Artista
Drinking Buddies
Earl Rose: Artista
Been There
Earl Rose: Artista
Separated Once
Earl Rose: Artista
Buy Flint
Earl Rose: Artista
Wore On Her
Earl Rose: Artista
New Challenge
Earl Rose: Artista
Not Fooling Around
Earl Rose: Artista
Out On Our Asses
Earl Rose: Artista
A Heartfelt Goodnight
Earl Rose: Artista
A Ninety Second Standing Ovation
Earl Rose: Artista
End Credits
Earl Rose: Artista
DODGE CITY: Main Title
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: The Buffalo Herd-The Iron Horse-Rendezvous
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Dodge City Theme
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Treck of the Covered Wagons into Sunrise and Abbie's Theme
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Stampede
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: Murder - Surrett's Theme - Necktie Party
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: Children - Abbie's Theme - The Fight - Little Harry - Dodge City
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Wade and Abbie go riding
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Joe Clemens is murdered
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Transferring the Prisoner
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fire on the train
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Finale and Final Titles
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Kralahome
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: The Palace and Waiting
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The King (King's Theme)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: Morning gifts and Tuptim
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
We have lost Cambodia!
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: The King tries to use the fork - Dinner Scene
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Tuptim's Trial
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Montage: Revolution - Tuptim's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lady Thiang's Story
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The King's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Anna and the Kralahome
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Street
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Almanac
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The King
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Harem
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Children
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Teacher
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Courtyard
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fish Market
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The First Lesson
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lost Cambodia
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Abduction
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Letters
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lady Thiang
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
2:00 A.M.
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
3:00 A.M.
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Tuptim's Slave
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Pomegranate
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dresses
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hall Of Women
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
4:00 A.M.
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Golden Goblets
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Ladies
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Reception
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Banquet
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Gift
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dungeon
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Second Dinner
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Stake
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Offering
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Legend Of The Panels
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Fall
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Last Call
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Coronation
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Chant No. 1
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Chant No. 2
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Anger (four takes)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Home Sweet Home
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Jane's Departure
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Jane's Alone
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Elegy / Jane's Sorrow
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Time Passage
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Letter
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Thornfield Hall
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Valse Bluette / Adele
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Piano
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Rochester's Past
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Fire
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Door
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Mr. Mason
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Room
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Rattle
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Garden
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Jane's Confession
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Storm
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Wedding
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Life
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Jane's Farewell
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Letter Burns
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Jane's Return
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACK: Prelude (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Disc Time:
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Los Cambodia
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Adbuction
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Chant #2
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Local Train
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Sea
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Painting
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Bedroom
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Ghost
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Apparition
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
About Ships
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Lights
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The In-Laws
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Boyhood's End
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Reading
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Second Local Train
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Spring Sea
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Home
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Empty Room
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Passing Years
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Andante Cantabile
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Late Sea
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS: The Sea (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Painting (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Evocation (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Poetry (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The In-Laws (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Seamen (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Exit (alternate -- two takes)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Prelude / Outer Space / Radar
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Gort / The visor and The Ray / The Telescope
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lincoln Memorial
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Nocturne / The Flashlight / The Robot / Space Control
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Elevator / The Magnetic Pull / The Study / The Conference / The Jeweler
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Glowing / Alone / Gort's Rage / Nikto / Captive / Terror
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Prison
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS: Solar Diamonds I and II (unused)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Outer Space (without theremin track)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Magnetic Pull (without overlays)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Visor and The Ray (separated elements)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Discrete Theremin Tracks
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Studio Rehearsals & Studio Outtakes
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
FINGERS: Prelude
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Embassy
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Film
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Old Street
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
German Embassy / Berlin
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Safe
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Five Weeks
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Trap / The House
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Charwoman
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Pursuit
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Boat
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
HANGOVER SQUARE: Concerto Macabre
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Murder and Fire
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Spell
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Murder
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Bonfire
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Concerto Macabre: First Movement
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Concerto Macabre: Second Movement
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Buzzards
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Lake
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Jungle
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Tent
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Memory Waltz
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Silence
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Awakening
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
First Barcarolle
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Second Barcarolle
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Interlude #1
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Interlude #2
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Farewell
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The River
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hyena
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Witch Doctor
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Death Watch
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACK: The Memory of Waltz (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
A HATEFUL OF RAIN: Prelude (Revised)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Car / The Street
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Gun
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Closet
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Search
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Sidewalk
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hold-Up
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Cafeteria
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Office
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Playground
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Window
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Pawnshop
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Bridge
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Return
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Necklace
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Question
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Petticoat Dance
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Village
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hut
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Operation
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Leopard
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Goodnight / The Safari
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Birth
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Little Mama
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Defiance / Bakuba Boy
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Shinbeck
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bakuba Country
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The SKulls
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Past
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Camp
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Three Doctors
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Camp #2
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Thirty Seconds
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Fight
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Terror /Recovery / The Finale
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS - A HATFUL OF RAIN: Prelude (original version)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Closet (altrnate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACK - WHITE WITCH DOCTOR: Goodnight (three takes)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Undersea
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Homecoming
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Reef
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Glades
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Quiet Sea
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Airline
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Conch Boat
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Harbor
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Departure
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Marker
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Undersea Forest
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dock
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Laggoon
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Grave
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The New Boat / The Buoy
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Sea Garden
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Octopus
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hookboat
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The RUins
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Red Sea and Childhood
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Nile and The Temple
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Chariot Ride /Pursuit
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Party's End
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Nefer Nefer Nefer
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Harp Player
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Bracelet and The Helmet
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Rebuke
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Deed
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Harp and Couch
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Perfection of Love
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The House of the Dead
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Burial
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Nefer's Farewell
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Princess
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The True Pharoah
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Tomb
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Proof / The Holy War
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Danse Macabre
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Death Potion
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS: Danse Macabre (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Nile and The Temple (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Prelude / Siesta
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Cliffs
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Chasm and The Valley
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Stone Arrow
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hooker
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Mission
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Circle
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Church
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Quarrel
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Wooden Cross
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Mine
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Feather
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Shrine
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Smoke Signals
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Revelers
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Wild Party
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lean's Vigil
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fuller's Devotion
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Indian
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fuller's Plan
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Apache
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Daly's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fuller's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Night Scene
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The High Rocks
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Chase
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Cards
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Ridge
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Sharpshooter
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS: La Negra Noche (Me-Mue)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Pass
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Locket
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Holy Man
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Valse Lent
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Dance and Air
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Hammer of God
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dunes
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Sentries
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Message
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Mirror
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Courior
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Khan's Rage
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Knife
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Train
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Night Watch
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Return (Finale)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BLUE DENIM: The Prelude / The Boy
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Playroom
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Girl
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Letter / First Embrace
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Proposal / The Compact / Confession
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Consolation / The Question
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dress / Shame
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Arrival / The Bank
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Window / The Summons
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fury and Grief / The Breakdown
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Sleep / The Decision
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Boy
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
King Lear "Storm" Scene
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Tour
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dressing Room
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Tempest
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Dawn
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Edwin's Tour
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Mary / Exit
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Warning
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
John Brown
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Hamlet Sequence
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Package
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Traitor
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Mary's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Shroud
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Newspaper
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Children's Hour
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Coat
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Killing / Rome
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Maria's Room
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Rain
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Clock
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Hopkins' Promise
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The New House
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Susan's Rage
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Morning
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACK: I Feel Like Dancing (source)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Lovers
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Explosion
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Ladder
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Mountain / My Heart's in the Highlands
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Mountain Slopes
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Count and The Groom
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Mountain Top / Sunrise
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Rope / The Torch / The Entrance / March
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Count Arnes / Saint Giles
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Sign / Sleep
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
False Arrows / The Fall
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Grotto / Twice as Tall
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lost / The Bridge / Gas Cave
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Vines
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Salt Slides
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Pool
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Spear / Dead Groom / The Gun
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Canyon / The Cave Glow
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Mushroom Forest / March / The Lizard
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Underworld Ocean / Dimetroden's Attack
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Snow / The Faithful Heart
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Magnetic Storm / Whirlpool
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Beach
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Duck
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Count's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Lost City / Atlantis
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Giant Chameleon / The Fight
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Earthquake / The Shaft
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS: The Adbuction (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Twice as Tall (short version)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Tender Is the Night (Min Title)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Study
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Walk
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Closing Door
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The New Year
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
THe Table / The Quarrel
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Train / Farewell
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Return / The Child
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Elegy
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Thunder
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Franz's Exit / Rome
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Drink / Newspaper
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Surfboard
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Porthole
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Tender Is the Night (Finale)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
BONUS TRACKS: Tender is the Night (Main Title) (orchestra only)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The New Year (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Tender Is the Night (Main Title) (alternate)
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
FAHRENHEIT 451: Prelude
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Fire Engine
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Nightmare
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Flowers Of Fire
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Captain's Death
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
The Road
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
THE GHOST AND MRS. MUIR: Andante Cantabile
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Bernard Herrmann: Artista
Deep End (X Ambassadors)
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Manta on the Bridge
Call from the Deep
The Real Superheroes
Not Normal
Necrus Rises
Only Child
Mera Joins the Chase
Black Manta
Swamp Walk
Promise Me
You Wanted Your Revenge
My Eternal Night Is Ending
Go and Feast
Necrus Arrival
Your Blood Will Do
Cave In
A True
The Next Chapter
Aquaman: King of Atlantis
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Chapter 1: Dead Sea
Matthew Janszen: Artista
First Day on the Job
Matthew Janszen: Artista
The Bandits
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Pytor Mortikov
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Sea Me Snoop
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Fighting Mortikov
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Chapter 2: Primordeus
Matthew Janszen: Artista
The Global Vents
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Talking to the Fish (feat. Cooper Andrews)
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Exploring the Island
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Mera vs Primordeus
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Chapter 3: Tidal Shift
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Ocean Master's Plan
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Fighting Scavenger
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Earth Split
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Atlantis Cheers
Matthew Janszen: Artista
Bramble (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Midnight Secrets (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Vakna (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Nearby Forest (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Stone of Light (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Spark of Courage (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Land of Bramble (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Gnome Village (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Kurragömma (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Little Helpers( Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Herding The Rumpnissar (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Frog King (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Upp Till Toppen (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Wishing Well (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Fairies & Trolls (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Olle's Dream (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Troll Forest (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Alas, Poor Moose (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Coless The Butcher (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Trickster's Game (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Into the Tall Grass (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Kottmonster (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Olle Soup (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Kottefolk (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Turned to Stone (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Pollen (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Blomstertid (feat. BJOERN) (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Lemus's Meadow (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Gnome Pond (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Skuggrotta (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Dark Runes (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Näcken's Polska (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Forbidden Melodies (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Not Waving, But Drowning (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
River of Whispers (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Circling Bramble (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Light in the Darkness (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Tuva's Wood (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Bramblecore (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
For Your Life (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Swamp (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Into the Mire (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Häxans Hus (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Knee Deep (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Lake (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Crowandah (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Skeppsvraket (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Nipping at His Heels (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Vattenormen (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Mylingar (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
A Proper Burial (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Lyktgubbens Lykta (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Old as the World (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Gatherer of Stories (Bonus Track) (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Skogsrå's Labyrinth (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Blood & Moonlight (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Light Sword Forms (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Fall and Rise (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
A Mound of Grass (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Blomstertid (Reprise)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Nilshult (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Something Wicked (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Stable (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
A Place of Worship (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Draugr (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Pesta's Nightmare (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
River of Blood (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Ruins (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Into the Mountain (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
High Hallway (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Shockwaves (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Mountain King (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Finale (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Epilogue (Dan Wakefield)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
The Loneliest Child in the World (Bonus Track) (Martin Wave)
Dan Wakefield: Artista
Chinese Speaking Vampires (Opening Titles)
Mariano Saulino: Artista
You Make My World Shine (feat. Dante Saulino)
Mariano Saulino: Artista
First Audition
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Mandarin World
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Agent Calling
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Dark Space
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Multiple Fights
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Vampire Bite
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Preacher's Lecture
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Love Drops
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Hypnotic View
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Growing Army
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Wake Up Strange
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Getting Deeper
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Temple Entrance
Mariano Saulino: Artista
Final Duel
Mariano Saulino: Artista
You Make My World Shine (Instrumental) (Mariano Saulino & Dante Saulino)
Mariano Saulino: Artista
South Beach
Jury Foreman
Operation RECOIL
Undercover Agent
Bribing Jurors
We Need Her
Confession Day
Sore Losers
Broken Glass
Sal's Trial
Scorned Lover
Not Guilty
205 Years
Not Worth It
Adios Muchachos
Boat Race
Video Canary
Lucky Break
Flying High
The Company (Los Muchachos Theme)
Back In Miami
Holy Grail
Slippery Sal
It's Over
Willy & Sal's Secrets
Pleading Guilty
White Powder Bar
Novel Defense
Impossible Victory
Kings of Miami (Los Muchachos Theme)
15 Minutes - Coming To America
Leaving Las Vegas - Love Theme
Planes, Trains & Automobiles - Jacket
Flynn - Donn & Out Fight
Hacks - Montage
2 Days In The Valley - Cat Fight
Just One Night - Isaac Arrives
The Runner - Sweep and Mop
Internal Affairs - End Credits
Reckless Kelly - Montage
There Was A Little Boy - Forgive
Don King - Mug Shot
Blast - Trestle Talk
Missing Persons - Lie
Danger Team - Main Title
House of Secrets - Marion
Young Guns - Billy's Hat
Summercamp - Fanfare
Underworld - Lia's Theme
Angel Street - CHoir
Slowburn - Main Title
Songs In Ordinary Time - Church
God Said Ha! - Book Soup
2 Days In The Valley - Helga
Gideon - End Credits
Timecode - Main Title
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Dark Room
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Nobé: Artista
Dave Porter: Artista
Frozen Money
Dave Porter: Artista
Don't Even Know It (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
Everything (Becky Hill)
Wall In My Head ('Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
Spotlight (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
This Was Me (Holly Johnson)
Work Of Art (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
Werk Girl (Todrick Hall)
Over The Top (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
Everybody's Talking About Jamie (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
It Means Beautiful (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
He's My Boy (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
My Man Your Boy (''Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
While You're Still Young (Sophie Ellis-Bextor & The Feeling)
Out Of The Darkness (A Place Where We Belong) ('Everybody's Talking About Jamie'' Original Album Cast)
When The Time Comes (Chaka Khan)
ETAJ (The Feeling)
And You Don't Even Know It (feat. John McCrea & Tamsin Carroll)
Tom MacRae: Artista
The Wall in My Head (feat. John McCrea)
Tom MacRae: Artista
Spotlight (feat. Lucie Shorthouse)
Tom MacRae: Artista
The Legend of Loco Chanel (And the Blood Red Dress) (feat. Phil Nichol)
Tom MacRae: Artista
If I Met Myself Again (feat. Josie Walker)
Tom MacRae: Artista
Work of Art (feat. Tamsin Carroll, Luke Baker & John McCrea)
Tom MacRae: Artista
Over the Top (feat. Phil Nichol)
Tom MacRae: Artista
Everybody's Talking About Jamie (feat.Mina Anwar, John McCrea & Josie Walker)
Tom MacRae: Artista
Limited Edition Prom Night Special (feat. Lucie Shorthouse)
Tom MacRae: Artista
It Means Beautiful
Tom MacRae: Artista
Ugly in This Ugly World (feat. John McCrea)
Tom MacRae: Artista
He's My Boy Original West End Cast of Everybody's Talking About Jamie & Josie Walker
Tom MacRae: Artista
My Man, Your Boy (feat. John McCrea)
Tom MacRae: Artista
Prom Song
Tom MacRae: Artista
Out of the Darkness (A Place Where We Belong)(feat. John McCrea)
Tom MacRae: Artista
God's Them
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
"Miracle Child"
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Wolf Dream
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Home Theme
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Wolf Chase
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Was It A Dream?
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Fractured Home
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
The Scheme
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
The Betrayal
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
In The Pit
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Slave Traders
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Desert Crossing
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Potiphar and the Cat Chase
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Joseph Uncovers Deception
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
"Whatever Road's At Your Feet"
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Remembering Home
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Zuleika's Seduction
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Potiphar Imprison's Joseph
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
The Butler's Dream
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
The Baker's Dream
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Prison Time
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Lost Hope
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
"Better Than I"
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Potiphar's Apology
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Pharaoh Meets Joseph
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Pharaoh's First Dream
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Pharaoh's Second Dream
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Joseph's Ascension
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Joseph and Asenath
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
"More Than You Take"
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Egypt's Famine
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Brothers Come To Egypt
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Revenge / Arrest Them
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
They're My Brothers
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
"Bloom" (Reprise)
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Meet Benjamin
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
The Feast
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Benjamin is Framed
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Danny Pelfrey: Artista
Highlight Reel
Chance Thomas: Artista
Kong, The Tragic Hero
Chance Thomas: Artista
Between Two Worlds / Vision of Ann
Chance Thomas: Artista
Skull Island
Chance Thomas: Artista
Valley of the Brontosaurus
Chance Thomas: Artista
Ann's Theme
Chance Thomas: Artista
The T-Rex Cometh
Chance Thomas: Artista
Native Ceremony
Chance Thomas: Artista
Kong Dispatches the Tyrant
Chance Thomas: Artista
Ann Lost in the Jungle
Chance Thomas: Artista
Lurking in the Shadows / Mortal Wounds
Chance Thomas: Artista
Vampires of the Sky
Chance Thomas: Artista
Reunion / Galiminus Infestation
Chance Thomas: Artista
Sting of the Giant Scorpion
Chance Thomas: Artista
Through the Crawling Walls
Chance Thomas: Artista
Face Off
Chance Thomas: Artista
Fury and Heroics
Chance Thomas: Artista
Snooping Around
Chance Thomas: Artista
Nest of Raptors
Chance Thomas: Artista
Raptor Attack / Death of a Friend
Chance Thomas: Artista
Chance Thomas: Artista
The Island Tombs
Chance Thomas: Artista
Leaving Skull Island
Chance Thomas: Artista
Denham Plots and Schemes
Chance Thomas: Artista
Ann in New York / Kong's Escape
Chance Thomas: Artista
Empire State Showdown
Chance Thomas: Artista
Death of Kong / Setting the Spirit Free
Chance Thomas: Artista
Kong, King of Skull Island
Chance Thomas: Artista
Reckoning Main Theme
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
The Age of Arcana
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Dead's Dead
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Well of Souls
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
House of Ballads
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Mines and Caves
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Gardens of Ysa
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
The Plains of Erathell
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Scholia Arcana
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
House of Valor
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
The Erathi Ruins
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
The Ships
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Mes Senshir
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
To War
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
The Strongholds
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
It Ends Here
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
House of Sorrows
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Fae Hollows
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Heart of Amethyn
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
Grant Kirkhope: Artista
The Hanging Tree (Rebel Remix) (feat. Jennifer Lawrence)
Remind Her Who The Enemy Is
District 12
Snow s Speech
Please Welcome Peeta
Katniss Nightmare
The Aresnal
Incoming Bomberts
Don t Be A Fool Katnis
District 12 Ruins
The Hanging Tree
Peeta s Broadcast
Air Raid Drill
It s Gonne Be A Long Night
Taunting The Cat
White Rose
District 8 Hospital
The Broadcast
Jamming The Capitol
Inside The Tribute Center
Put Me On The Air
They re Back
This Is Not a Game (feat. Miguel)
Yellow Flicker Beat
Lorde: Artista
THE HUNGER GAMES: The Hunger Games
Horn of Plenty
Rue's Farewell
Tenuous Winners / Returning Home
Katniss Is Chosen
I Need You
Arena Crumbles
THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2: Your Favorite Color Is Green
There Are Worse Games to Play / Deep in the Meadow / The Hunger Games Suite
Prim Visits Peeta
Send Me To District 2
Go Ahead, Shoot Me
Your Favorite Color is Green
Transfer Command
Your Next Step
The Holo
Sewer Attack
I Made It Up
Mandatory Evacuation
Rebels Attack
Snow's Mansion
Symbolic Hunger Games
Snow's Execution
Plutarch's Letter
There Are Worse Games To Play /Deep In The Meadow / The Hunger Games Suite (feat. Jennifer Lawrence)
The Shaman
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
The Crusaders
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
The Game
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Dirty Saaremaa
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Murder at a Funeral
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Bitter Homecoming
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
The Ring of Kings
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
The Sacred Place
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
The King Is Dead
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Setting Sail for the Other Side of the Sun
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
The Fool
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Flight Home
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Under Siege
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
A Royal Wedding
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Blood in the Dunes
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
A New Beginning
Rihards Zalupe: Artista
Something On the Track
"It's Me, Man!"
Rigged Contracts
An Ass Model Named Lavitka
Money Run
Garber Meets Ryder
All Others Pay Cash
The Train Leaves the Station
The Lights Are All Green!
Manhattan Bridge
"...You a Yankee's Fan?"
Max Dugan Returns
David Shire: Artista
The Conversation
David Shire: Artista
Return To Oz
David Shire: Artista
Raid On Entebbe
David Shire: Artista
Paris Trout
David Shire: Artista
All The Presidents Men
David Shire: Artista
Farewell, My Lovely
David Shire: Artista
The World According To Garp
David Shire: Artista
Night Mother
David Shire: Artista
Bed And Breakfast
David Shire: Artista
The Taking Of Pelham 1-2-3
David Shire: Artista
David Shire: Artista
Last Stand At Saber River
David Shire: Artista
Straight Time
David Shire: Artista
Old Boyfreinds
David Shire: Artista
The Journey Inside (IMAX)
David Shire: Artista
Monkey Shines
David Shire: Artista
One Night Stand
David Shire: Artista
The Hindenburg
David Shire: Artista
My Antonia
David Shire: Artista
The Kennedys Of Massachusetts
David Shire: Artista
Sarah Plain And Tall
David Shire: Artista
Saturday Night Fever (Manhattan Skyline)
David Shire: Artista
Norma Rae (It Goes Like It Goes)
David Shire: Artista
Main Title
David Shire: Artista
The Taking
David Shire: Artista