Rings Banda sonora (

Rings Banda sonora (1986) carátula

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Valoración: 5.00/10 de 64 votos
Etiquetas: terror telefónico
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El silencio de esta pequeña ciudad soñolienta pronto se ve perturbado cuando los residentes comienzan a recibir llamadas telefónicas amenazadoras. Nadie sabe quién los está haciendo. La policía no encuentra ninguna prueba que conduzca al delincuente anónimo. Parece que cuanto más investigan, menos saben. ¿Es posible que todo el pueblo esté en peligro? Un horror intenso y cautivador que está lleno de suspenso.

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Reproducir Título Artista
The Prophecy
Howard Shore: Artista
The Lord of the Rings: The Council of Elrond "Aniron" (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen)
Howard Shore: Artista
NDR Radiophilharmonie: Artista
Olga Peretyatko: Artista
Ben Palmer: Artista
May It Be
Enya: Artista
Concerning Hobbits
Howard Shore: Artista
The Shadow of the Past
Howard Shore: Artista
The Treason of Isengard
Howard Shore: Artista
The Black Rider
Howard Shore: Artista
At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
Howard Shore: Artista
A Knife in the Dark
Howard Shore: Artista
Flight to the Ford
Howard Shore: Artista
Many Meetings
Howard Shore: Artista
The Council of Elrond (feat. "Aniron") [Theme for Aragorn and Arwen]
Howard Shore: Artista
The Ring Goes South
Howard Shore: Artista
Dream Lake
A Journey in the Dark
Howard Shore: Artista
The Bridge of Khazad Dum
Howard Shore: Artista
Lothlorien (feat. "Lament for Gandalf")
Elizabeth Fraser: Artista
Howard Shore: Artista
The Great River
Howard Shore: Artista
Amon Hen
Howard Shore: Artista
The Breaking of the Fellowship (feat. "In Dreams")
Howard Shore: Artista
Edward Ross: Artista
Foundations of Stone
Howard Shore: Artista
The Taming of Smeagol
Howard Shore: Artista
The Riders of Rohan
Howard Shore: Artista
The Passage of the Marshes
Howard Shore: Artista
String Quartet No. 1: IV. —
Brian Field: Artista
Sirius Quartet: Artista
The Uruk-hai
Howard Shore: Artista
The King of the Golden Hall
Howard Shore: Artista
The Black Gate Is Closed
Howard Shore: Artista
Howard Shore: Artista
Isabel Bayrakdarian: Artista
The White Rider
Howard Shore: Artista
Howard Shore: Artista
The Leave Taking
Howard Shore: Artista
Follow Me Home
Ryan Crosson: Artista
Helm's Deep
Howard Shore: Artista
The Forbidden Pool
Howard Shore: Artista
Breath of Life
Howard Shore: Artista
Sheila Chandra: Artista
The Hornburg
Howard Shore: Artista
Jakob Balogh: Artista
Forth Eorlingas
Howard Shore: Artista
Ben Del Maestro: Artista
Isengard Unleashed
Elizabeth Fraser: Artista
Howard Shore: Artista
Ben Del Maestro: Artista
Samwise the Brave
Howard Shore: Artista
Gollum's Song
Emiliana Torrini: Artista
Farewell to Lorien
Howard Shore: Artista
Hilary Summers: Artista
Twilight and Shadow (feat. Renee Fleming)
Renée Fleming: Artista
Howard Shore: Artista
Shelob's Lair
Howard Shore: Artista
Roots and Beginnings
Howard Shore: Artista
Journey to the Cross-roads
Howard Shore: Artista
The Road to Isengard
Howard Shore: Artista
The Foot of Orthanc
Howard Shore: Artista
Return to Edoras
Howard Shore: Artista
The Chalice Passed
Howard Shore: Artista
The Green Dragon (feat. Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan)
Howard Shore: Artista
Billy Boyd: Artista
Dominic Monaghan: Artista
Gollum's Villainy
Howard Shore: Artista
Éowyn's Dream
Howard Shore: Artista
The Palantír
Howard Shore: Artista
Flight from Edoras
Howard Shore: Artista
The Grace of Undómiel (feat. Renée Fleming)
Renée Fleming: Artista
Howard Shore: Artista
The Eyes of the White Tower
Howard Shore: Artista
A Coronal of Silver and Gold
Howard Shore: Artista