Stone Banda sonora (

Stone Banda sonora (2010) carátula

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Valoración: 5.40/10 de 43000 votos
Etiquetas: nombre del personaje como título, la libertad condicional, el pirómano, oficial de libertad condicional, el engaño
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Stone - Ninguém É Inocente

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El oficial de libertad condicional Jack Mabry (Robert De Niro) tiene solo unas pocas semanas antes de su jubilación y desea terminar los casos que le han sido asignados.

Uno de esos casos es el de Gerald "Stone" Creeson (Edward Norton), un incendiario convicto que está solicitando libertad condicional.

Jack al principio se muestra reacio a participar en el lenguaje grosero que Stone desea seguir y siente poca simpatía por las súplicas del prisionero por una liberación anticipada.

Viendo poco esperanza en convencer a Jack por sí mismo, Stone arregla para que su esposa, Lucetta (Milla Jovovich), seduzca al oficial, pero los motivos e intenciones se desdibujan gradualmente entre las pasiones y los secretos enterrados de los jugadores corruptos en este mortal juego de engaño.

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Reproducir Título Artista
Jon Brion: Escritor
Butthole Surfers: Artista
Gibby Haynes: Escritor
Rutger Zuydervelt: Escritor
Machinefabriek: Escritor
Machinefabriek: Artista
Sonus Spiritus
Cato: Escritor
Cato: Artista
In A Room
John Luther Adams: Escritor
Main Title
We Got Your Wife…
Kenny's Story
Red Hook
Ray and Albert
Matt Scudder
Matt Follows Loogan
Finding Loogan's Shed
Ray Cases the House
Drive to the Cemetery
Among the Tombstones
Kenny in the Basement
Seven Year Ache (Rosanne Cash)
John Leventhal: Artista
Rocky Island (Ralph Stanley)
John Leventhal: Artista
Shenandoah (Michael Trigiani)
John Leventhal: Artista
White Wings (If Birds Could Fly)
John Leventhal: Artista
The Morning After (John Leventhal)
John Leventhal: Artista
Lost Indian Papa (Joe Smiddy and The Reedy Creek Boys)
John Leventhal: Artista
Patchwork Sky (Michael Trigiani)
John Leventhal: Artista
Letters (John Leventhal)
John Leventhal: Artista
Flat Nickel (If Birds Could Fly)
John Leventhal: Artista
The Ballad of Red Fox (Michael Trigiani)
John Leventhal: Artista
Spec and Ave (John Leventhal)
John Leventhal: Artista
Selling Mutual's (John Leventhal)
John Leventhal: Artista
The Lonesome Pine (Michael Trigiani)
John Leventhal: Artista
Barbara Allen (Rosanne Cash)
John Leventhal: Artista
Side A: Liz
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
The Reverend
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Rules are Rules
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
God Has Forgiven Me
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Side B: God Has Other Plans
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Watching Over Me
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
The Birth
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
She Belongs in Hell
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
I Am Here to Punish You
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
I'm a Father
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
I Will Kill Frank
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
For the Love of God
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Two Strangers
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
God Has Other Plans
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Scold's Bride
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Ravening Wolves
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
San Juan de Dios
Dan Romer: Artista
Dan Romer: Artista
Dan Romer: Artista
Dan Romer: Artista
Dan Romer: Artista
Dan Romer: Artista
Castles of Fire
Dan Romer: Artista
El Toro Rey
Dan Romer: Artista
Dan Romer: Artista
Fire Fight
Dan Romer: Artista
Burning of the Bulls
Dan Romer: Artista
Children of the Stones (Opening Title)
Sidney Sager: Artista
Mrs Crabtree Views the Painting
Sidney Sager: Artista
Someone Who Is Happy
Sidney Sager: Artista
Matthew and Dai
Sidney Sager: Artista
Adam Touches the Stones
Sidney Sager: Artista
Circle of Fear (I Can't Wait)
Sidney Sager: Artista
Nobody Ever Leaves
Sidney Sager: Artista
Being Alone
Sidney Sager: Artista
Within the Painting
Sidney Sager: Artista
Matthew's Accident
Sidney Sager: Artista
Serpent in the Circle
Sidney Sager: Artista
Tom Browning
Sidney Sager: Artista
Looks, It's Jimmo
Sidney Sager: Artista
Narrowing Circle
Sidney Sager: Artista
Premonition of Dr Lyle
Sidney Sager: Artista
Dai Casts the Bones
Sidney Sager: Artista
The Barber Surgeon's Amulet
Sidney Sager: Artista
Never, It's Mine
Sidney Sager: Artista
He's Not There
Sidney Sager: Artista
Anger the Fire
Sidney Sager: Artista
Such Power
Sidney Sager: Artista
It Is Time
Sidney Sager: Artista
Squaring the Circle
Sidney Sager: Artista
We've Lost Them
Sidney Sager: Artista
Go Now and Be Happy
Sidney Sager: Artista
I'll Return This at the Same Time
Sidney Sager: Artista
We're Trapped
Sidney Sager: Artista
The Circle Is Complete
Sidney Sager: Artista
The Circle Is Broken
Sidney Sager: Artista
Children of the Stones (End Titles)
Sidney Sager: Artista
Dead Man Walking
Hybrid: Artista
Soldiers of the Dead
Hybrid: Artista
Hybrid: Artista
White Hat Kinda Guy
Hybrid: Artista
Jackson Boomer
Hybrid: Artista
That Won't Be Hard
Hybrid: Artista
The Man Downstairs
Hybrid: Artista
Path of Redemption
Hybrid: Artista
She's Riding Alone
Hybrid: Artista
Dr. Goldsworthy
Hybrid: Artista
Drums of Woar
Hybrid: Artista
Maybe I Need You
Hybrid: Artista
Too Old to Be New
Hybrid: Artista
Holy Water & Morphine
Hybrid: Artista
The Devil's Book
Hybrid: Artista
Let's Go Die Again
Hybrid: Artista
You Ain't Seen Mad
Hybrid: Artista
Too Old for This Dying Shit
Hybrid: Artista
Little Bit of This
Hybrid: Artista
Meet The Blacksmith
Hybrid: Artista
Beat The Devil's Tattoo (Hybrid Dead In Tombstone Mix) (with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club)
Hybrid: Artista
The River To Edendale
Hybrid: Artista
Gunfighters Are In Town
Hybrid: Artista
No Need To Be A Hero
Hybrid: Artista
I Shot The Sheriff
Hybrid: Artista
Deal With The Devil
Hybrid: Artista
Guerrero Is Back
Hybrid: Artista
Clock Starts Ticking
Hybrid: Artista
The Meat Market
Hybrid: Artista
They Killed My Husband
Hybrid: Artista
Blackwater Siege
Hybrid: Artista
It's Been A While
Hybrid: Artista
Stay Sharp Guerrero
Hybrid: Artista
Odds Favour House
Hybrid: Artista
He's My Brother
Hybrid: Artista
Hybrid: Artista
The Chase
Hybrid: Artista
This Is The West
Hybrid: Artista
Six Feet Under
Hybrid: Artista
Piedra Noche
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Linda Bay
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
La Muerte de Denis
Francisco Cerda: Artista
El Viaje de Sina
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Visión y Recuerdo
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Bruno Cree
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Revelación 1
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Revelación 2
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Resignación (Greta NO Cree)
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Revelación 3
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Genaro Muere
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Criatura y Final
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Dusk Stone
Francisco Cerda: Artista
Life In Faith
Blake Neely: Artista
Your Belief
Blake Neely: Artista
The Dance (Pinky's)
Ivan Sen: Artista
After Glow
Ivan Sen: Artista
The Music Only We Can Hear
Ivan Sen: Artista
Ivan Sen: Artista
Miss (Goldstone Theme)
Ivan Sen: Artista
January Hug
Ivan Sen: Artista
Holding On
Ivan Sen: Artista
Broken River
Ivan Sen: Artista
Ivan Sen: Artista
Running In The Moonlight
Ivan Sen: Artista
Our Dreamland
Ivan Sen: Artista
The Shadow Between
Ivan Sen: Artista
Miss (Goldstone Theme Extended)
Ivan Sen: Artista
Dreaming Awake
Ivan Sen: Artista
Things Have Been Put Away
Ivan Sen: Artista
The Final Sunset
Ivan Sen: Artista
Miss (Goldstone Theme Piano)
Ivan Sen: Artista
Floating Around My Being
Ivan Sen: Artista
Ivan Sen: Artista
The Beginning And The End
Ivan Sen: Artista
Champions (Usher & Rubén Blades)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Plástico (Rubén Blades)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Ligia Elena (Rubén Blades)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Símbolo (Rubén Blades)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Tiburón (Rubén Blades)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Bonjour Madame (Camilo Azuquita)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Nocturne in E-Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 (Daniela Jakubowicz)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Duran vs. Huertas (Angelo Milli)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Duran vs. Buchanan (Angelo Milli)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Duran vs. Leonard II (Angelo Milli)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Duran vs. Moore (Angelo Milli)
Angelo Milli: Artista
Panamanian Drums (Panamanian Drums Cast)
Angelo Milli: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World
John Williams: Artista
The Arrival of Baby Harry
John Williams: Artista
Visit to the Zoo / Letters from Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
Diagon Alley / The Gringotts Vault
John Williams: Artista
Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters / The Journey to Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
Entry Into the Great Hall / The Banquet
John Williams: Artista
Mr. Longbottom Flies
John Williams: Artista
Hogwarts Forever! / The Moving Stairs
John Williams: Artista
The Norwegian Ridgeback / A Change of Season
John Williams: Artista
The Quidditch Match
John Williams: Artista
Christmas At Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
The Invisibility Cloak / The Library Scene
John Williams: Artista
Fluffy's Harp
John Williams: Artista
In the Devil's Snare / The Flying Keys
John Williams: Artista
The Chess Game
John Williams: Artista
The Face of Voldemort
John Williams: Artista
Leaving Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme
John Williams: Artista
THE FILM SCORE: The Prologue – Privet Drive
John Williams: Artista
Visit to the Zoo
John Williams: Artista
Don't Burn My Letter
John Williams: Artista
Letters From Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wish and Hagrid's Entrance
John Williams: Artista
You're a Wizard, Harry
John Williams: Artista
Diagon Alley and The Gringotts Vault
John Williams: Artista
Harry Gets His Wand
John Williams: Artista
Hagrid's Flashback
John Williams: Artista
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
John Williams: Artista
Chocolate Frog Escapes
John Williams: Artista
The Journey to Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
Through the Doors
John Williams: Artista
House Selection
John Williams: Artista
Entry Into the Great Hall and The Banquet
John Williams: Artista
Lonely First Night
John Williams: Artista
The Daily Prophet
John Williams: Artista
The Moving Stairs
John Williams: Artista
Introduction to Quidditch
John Williams: Artista
Hermione's Feather
John Williams: Artista
Fighting the Troll
John Williams: Artista
Owl Delivers Nimbus 2000
John Williams: Artista
Disc Time:
John Williams: Artista
Hagrid's Christmas Tree
John Williams: Artista
Cast a Christmas Spell
John Williams: Artista
Christmas Morning and The Invisibility Cloak
John Williams: Artista
The Mirror of Erised and A Change of Season
John Williams: Artista
Hermione's Reading
John Williams: Artista
The Norwegian Ridgeback
John Williams: Artista
Filch's Fond Remembrance
John Williams: Artista
The Dark Forest
John Williams: Artista
The Stone
John Williams: Artista
Running to McGonagall
John Williams: Artista
Neville Stiffens
John Williams: Artista
Fluffy's Harp Lullaby
John Williams: Artista
In the Devil's Snare
John Williams: Artista
The Flying Keys
John Williams: Artista
Love, Harry
John Williams: Artista
Gryffindor Wins the House Cup
John Williams: Artista
CHILDREN'S SUITE FOR ORCHESTRA: Prologue (Hedwig's Flight)
John Williams: Artista
Hogwarts Forever
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Nimbus 2000
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Family Portrait
John Williams: Artista
Diagon Alley
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
The Leaky Cauldron
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme for Harp
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Owl's Flight
John Williams: Artista
Television Commercial
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
THE FILM SCORE: Prologue: Book II
John Williams: Artista
Vernon Gathers Family / Enter Dobby
John Williams: Artista
Dobby Warns Harry
John Williams: Artista
The Escape From the Dursleys
John Williams: Artista
Magical Household And Letters From Hogwarts
John Williams: Artista
Borgin and Burkes
John Williams: Artista
Knockturn Alley
John Williams: Artista
Flourish and Blotts / Harry Meets Lucius Malfoy
John Williams: Artista
The Train Station and The Flying Car
John Williams: Artista
Whomping Willow and The Car Escapes
John Williams: Artista
Filch's Warning and Boys Receive Detention
John Williams: Artista
Introducing Colin / Errol Delivers Mail
John Williams: Artista
Gilderoy Lockhart
John Williams: Artista
Cornish Pixies
John Williams: Artista
Eat Slugs
John Williams: Artista
Hermione and Hagrid
John Williams: Artista
The Writing on the Wall
John Williams: Artista
Dumbledore's Caution
John Williams: Artista
The Library and Transformation Class
John Williams: Artista
Quidditch, Second Year
John Williams: Artista
Petrified Colin
John Williams: Artista
Moaning Myrtle Appears
John Williams: Artista
The Dueling Club
John Williams: Artista
Harry Is a Parselmouth
John Williams: Artista
Petrified Justin
John Williams: Artista
Harry Meets Fawkes
John Williams: Artista
Christmas Break
John Williams: Artista
Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle / Polyjuice Potion
John Williams: Artista
Potion Wears Off / The Diary
John Williams: Artista
Meeting Tom Riddle
John Williams: Artista
Ransacked Dormitory and Petrified Hermione
John Williams: Artista
Dad's Cloak and Hagrid's Arrest
John Williams: Artista
Follow the Spiders
John Williams: Artista
Meeting Aragog
John Williams: Artista
The Spiders Attack
John Williams: Artista
Car Drives Off / It's a Basilisk
John Williams: Artista
Ginny Gets Snatched
John Williams: Artista
Myrtle's Tale
John Williams: Artista
The Chamber Opens and The Search for Ginny
John Williams: Artista
Dueling the Basilisk
John Williams: Artista
Fawkes Heals Harry
John Williams: Artista
Dumbledore and Harry
John Williams: Artista
Lucius Returns / Dobby Is Freed
John Williams: Artista
Reunion of Friends
John Williams: Artista
END CREDITS SUITE: Harry's Wondrous World
John Williams: Artista
Fawkes the Phoenix
John Williams: Artista
The Chamber of Secrets
John Williams: Artista
ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Dobby the House Elf
John Williams: Artista
Prologue: Book II
John Williams: Artista
Filch's Warning
John Williams: Artista
Introducing Colin
John Williams: Artista
Transformation Class
John Williams: Artista
Car Drives Off
John Williams: Artista
Television Commercial No. 1
John Williams: Artista
Television Commercial No. 2
John Williams: Artista
Television Commercial No. 3
John Williams: Artista
THE FILM SCORE: Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme)
John Williams: Artista
Aunt Marge's Waltz
John Williams: Artista
Parents' Portrait and The Empty Playground
John Williams: Artista
The Knight Bus
John Williams: Artista
Monster Book and Discussing Black
John Williams: Artista
Apparition on the Train
John Williams: Artista
Double Trouble
John Williams: Artista
Trouble Takes Many Forms
John Williams: Artista
Rainy Nights, Dementors and Birds
John Williams: Artista
The Courtyard and Sir Cadogan
John Williams: Artista
The Hippogriff Lesson
John Williams: Artista
Befriending the Hippogriff
John Williams: Artista
Buckbeak's Flight
John Williams: Artista
The Grim / The Newspaper
John Williams: Artista
The Boggarts
John Williams: Artista
On the Bridge – Remembering Mother
John Williams: Artista
The Portrait Gallery
John Williams: Artista
The Big Doors and The Great Hall Ceiling
John Williams: Artista
Page 394 and Quidditch, Third Year
John Williams: Artista
A Walk in the Woods and Bird's Flight
John Williams: Artista
The Snowball Fight
John Williams: Artista
The Three Broomsticks
John Williams: Artista
Summoning the Patronus
John Williams: Artista
Buckbeak's Fate and The Marauder's Map
John Williams: Artista
About Pettigrew / The Crystal Ball
John Williams: Artista
The Executioner
John Williams: Artista
The Walk to Buckbeak
John Williams: Artista
The Sentence
John Williams: Artista
Chasing Scabbers
John Williams: Artista
The Whomping Willow
John Williams: Artista
Confrontation in the Shrieking Shack
John Williams: Artista
Sirius and Harry
John Williams: Artista
The Werewolf Scene
John Williams: Artista
The Dementors Converge
John Williams: Artista
Time Past / Saving Buckbeak
John Williams: Artista
Lupin's Transformation
John Williams: Artista
Buckbeak Saves the Day / Watching the Past
John Williams: Artista
The Rescue of Sirius
John Williams: Artista
Sirius Says Goodbye / Turning Time Back
John Williams: Artista
Lupin's Departure
John Williams: Artista
The Firebolt and End Credits Suite
John Williams: Artista
SOURCE MUSIC: The Wizards' Consort
John Williams: Artista
Hogsmeade Candy Box
John Williams: Artista
A Winter's Spell
John Williams: Artista
ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme)
John Williams: Artista
More Grim and Boggarts
John Williams: Artista
Quidditch, Third Year
John Williams: Artista
Window to the Past
John Williams: Artista
Saving Buckbeak
John Williams: Artista
Watching the Past
John Williams: Artista
The Dementors Circle
John Williams: Artista
The Patronus Light
John Williams: Artista
The Patronus Power
John Williams: Artista
The Firebolt
John Williams: Artista
Rey's Theme (From "Star Wars: The Force Awakens")
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme (From "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back")
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme (From "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone")
John Williams: Artista
Across The Stars (Love Theme) (From "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones")
John Williams: Artista
Donnybrook Fair (Based on "Blowing Off Steam" from "Far and Away")
John Williams: Artista
Sayuri's Theme (From "Memoirs of a Geisha")
John Williams: Artista
Night Journeys (From "Dracula")
John Williams: Artista
Theme (From "Sabrina")
John Williams: Artista
The Duel (From "The Adventures of Tintin")
John Williams: Artista
Luke and Leia (From "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi")
John Williams: Artista
Nice to Be Around (From "Cinderella Liberty")
John Williams: Artista
Theme (From "Schindler's List")
John Williams: Artista
Olympic Fanfare And Theme
John Williams: Artista
Excerpts (From "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind")
John Williams: Artista
Out To Sea / The Shark Cage Fugue (From "Jaws")
John Williams: Artista
Fawkes The Phoenix (From "Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets")
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World (From "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone")
John Williams: Artista
Adventures On Earth (From "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial")
John Williams: Artista
The Flight To Neverland (From "Hook")
John Williams: Artista
Theme (From "Jurassic Park")
John Williams: Artista
Scherzo For Motorcycle And Orchestra (From "Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade")
John Williams: Artista
Marion's Theme (From "Raiders Of The Lost Ark")
John Williams: Artista
The Raiders March (From "Raiders Of The Lost Ark")
John Williams: Artista
The Imperial March (From "Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back")
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme (From "Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back")
John Williams: Artista
Throne Room And Finale (From "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope")
John Williams: Artista
Adagio (From "Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens")
John Williams: Artista
Superman March (From "Superman")
John Williams: Artista
Main Title (From "Star Wars")
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme (From "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone")
John Williams: Artista
Flying Theme (From "E.T")
John Williams: Artista
Hymn To The Fallen (From "Saving Private Ryan")
John Williams: Artista
Shark Theme (From "Jaws")
John Williams: Artista
LINCOLN†: The People House
John Williams: Artista
The American Process
John Williams: Artista
Getting Out The Vote
John Williams: Artista
The Blue And Grey
John Williams: Artista
The Peace Delegation*
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
The Meeting With Grant*
John Williams: Artista
“With Malice Toward None”
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
PRESUMED INNOCENT: Remembering Carolyn
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
THE BOOK THIEF†: The Visitor And The Book Thief
John Williams: Artista
Max And Liesel
John Williams: Artista
The Snow Fight
John Williams: Artista
Learning To Read
John Williams: Artista
Max's Departure
John Williams: Artista
The Visitor At Himmel Street
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
A Window To The Past
John Williams: Artista
The Shire - Lord of the Rings
Eric Allaman: Artista
Misty Mountains - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Eric Allaman: Artista
The Anvil of Crom - Conan The Barbarian
Eric Allaman: Artista
The Orgy - Conan The Barbarian
Eric Allaman: Artista
Love Theme - Clash of the Titans
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Edward Scissorhands
Eric Allaman: Artista
Overture - The Dark Crystal
Eric Allaman: Artista
Love Theme - The Dark Crystal
Eric Allaman: Artista
Quest for the Holy Grail - Excalibur
Eric Allaman: Artista
Homeward Bound (King Arthur's Theme) - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Eric Allaman: Artista
Fireside Dance - Oz: The Great and Powerful
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Game of Thrones
Eric Allaman: Artista
Training Montage - Highlander
Eric Allaman: Artista
Who Wants to Live Forever? - Highlander
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Hawk The Slayer
Eric Allaman: Artista
Hedwig's Theme - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Xena: Warrior Princess
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Ladyhawke
Eric Allaman: Artista
The Unicorn Theme - Legend
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Pan's Labyrinth
Eric Allaman: Artista
Unused Main Theme - What Dreams May Come
Eric Allaman: Artista
Flying - The Secret of Nimh
Eric Allaman: Artista
In Each Other's Eyes - Krull
Eric Allaman: Artista
Fluffy's Harp - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
John Williams: Artista
The Lanes of Limerick - Angela's Ashes
John Williams: Artista
Mission Impossible (arr. C. Custer)
Danny Elfman: Artista
A Tribute to John Williams
Danny Elfman: Artista
Por una cabeza - Scent of a Woman (arr. J. Williams)
Danny Elfman: Artista
The Last Samurai (arr. J.G. Mortimer)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Ben Hur (arr. J.G. Mortimer)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Spider-Man (arr. J. Wasson)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Gabriel's Oboe - The Mission (arr. R. Ling)
Danny Elfman: Artista
The Pink Panther (arr. C. Custer)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Troy (arr. S. Richards)
Danny Elfman: Artista
The Typewriter
Danny Elfman: Artista
Lara's Theme - Doctor Zhivago (arr. J.G. Mortimer)
Danny Elfman: Artista
The Dark Knight (arr. V. Lopez)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (arr. V. Lopez)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Pirates of the Caribbean (arr. P. Lavender and R. Longfield)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Hedwig's Theme (Philosopher's Stone)
Harry's Wondrous World (hilosopher's Stone)
Nimbus 2000 (Philosopher's Stone)
Christmas at Hogwarts (Philosopher's Stone)
Leaving Hogwarts (Philosopher's Stone)
Fawkes The Phoenix (Chamber Of Secrets)
The Chamber Of Secrets (Chamber Of Secrets)
Gilderoy Lockhart (Chamber Of Secrets)
Dobby The House Elf (Chamber Of Secrets)
Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle (Chamber Of Secrets)
Reunion of Friends (Chamber Of Secrets)
Aunt Marge's Waltz (Prisoner of Azkaban)
The Knight Bus (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Double Trouble (Prisoner of Azkaban)
A Window to the Past (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Witches, Wands and Wizards (risoner of Azkaban)
Mischief Managed / A Window To The Past / Buckbeak's Flight (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Quidditch World Cup / Foreign Visitors Arrive (Goblet Of Fire)
The Golden Egg (Goblet Of Fire)
Neville's Waltz (Goblet Of Fire)
Harry In Winter (Goblet Of Fire)
Potter Waltz (Goblet Of Fire)
Black Lake (Goblet Of Fire)
Hogwarts March (Goblet Of Fire)
Another Year Ends (Goblet Of Fire)
Hogwarts Hymn (Goblet Of Fire)
A Journey To Hogwarts / Fireworks (Order Of The Phoenix)
Professor Umbridge (Order Of The Phoenix)
Sirius Deception / Dumbledore's Army (Order Of The Phoenix)
Flight of the Order of the Phoenix (Order Of The Phoenix)
Loved Ones and Leaving (Order Of The Phoenix)
Dumbledore's Farewell (Half Blood Prince)
Obliviate (Deathly Hallows Part 1)
Lily's Theme (Deathly Hallows Part 2)
Sound the Bells!
John Williams: Artista
Out to Sea / The Shark Cage Fugue from Jaws
John Williams: Artista
Theme from Sabrina (with Itzhak Perlman)
John Williams: Artista
March from 1941
John Williams: Artista
Adventures on Earth from E.T.: The Extra-terrestrial
John Williams: Artista
Dartmoor, 1912 from War Horse (Album Only)
John Williams: Artista
The Adventures of Mutt from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Album Only)
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Album Only)
John Williams: Artista
Elegy for Cello & Orchestra (with Yo-Yo Ma)
John Williams: Artista
Going to School from Memoirs of a Geisha (with Yo-Yo Ma & Itzhak Perlman)
John Williams: Artista
The Mission Theme (Theme for NBC News)
John Williams: Artista
Theme from Schindler's List (with Itzhak Perlman)
John Williams: Artista
The Adventure Continues from The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (Album Only)
John Williams: Artista
Throne Room & Finale from Star Wars
John Williams: Artista
Happy Birthday Variations (Previously Unreleased) (with Recording Arts Orchestra of Los Angeles)
John Williams: Artista
STAR WARS: Star Wars: A New Hope
John Williams: Artista
Cantina Band
John Williams: Artista
Princess Leia
John Williams: Artista
The Throne Room / Finale
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Han Solo and The Princess
John Williams: Artista
The Asteroid Field
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
The Flag Parade
John Williams: Artista
The Adventures Of Jar Jar
John Williams: Artista
Duel Of The Fates
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
REVENGE OF THE SITH: Battle Of The Heroes
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
The Map Room / Dawn
John Williams: Artista
The Basket Game
John Williams: Artista
Marion's Theme
John Williams: Artista
Airplane Fight
John Williams: Artista
The Ark Trek
John Williams: Artista
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
John Williams: Artista
THE TEMPLE OF DOOM: Nocturnal Activities
John Williams: Artista
The Mine Car Chase
John Williams: Artista
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom End Credits
John Williams: Artista
THE LAST CRUSADE: Indy's First Adventure
John Williams: Artista
X Marks The Spot / Escape From Venice
John Williams: Artista
No Ticket / Keeping Up With The Joneses
John Williams: Artista
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade End Credits
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS: The Chamber of Secrets
John Williams: Artista
Dobby the House Elf
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Wands and Wizards
John Williams: Artista
Mischief Managed / A Window to the Past / Buckbeak's Flight
John Williams: Artista
The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn – The Adventures Of Tintin
John Williams: Artista
War Horse – The Reunion
John Williams: Artista
War Of The Worlds – Suite
John Williams: Artista
Munich – A Prayer for Peace
John Williams: Artista
The Terminal – The Tale of Viktor Navorski
John Williams: Artista
Minority Report
John Williams: Artista
Catch Me If You Can
John Williams: Artista
Artificial Intelligence: AI – Where Dreams Are Born
John Williams: Artista
Saving Private Ryan – Hymn To The Fallen
John Williams: Artista
Amistad – Dry Your Tears, Afrika
John Williams: Artista
Schindler's List – Theme
John Williams: Artista
Jurassic Park – Suite
John Williams: Artista
Hook – Main Themes
John Williams: Artista
Always – Follow Me / Dorinda's Solo Flight
John Williams: Artista
Empire Of The Sun – Exsultate Justi
John Williams: Artista
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial – Adventures On Earth
John Williams: Artista
1941 – March
John Williams: Artista
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind – The Conversation Begins / Main Title / Resolution and Finale
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
The Sugarland Express
John Williams: Artista
Memoirs of a Geisha – Sayuri's Theme & End Credits
John Williams: Artista
Far And Away – End Credits
John Williams: Artista
JFK – Arlington / End Titles
John Williams: Artista
Presumed Innocent
John Williams: Artista
Born On The Fourth Of July – End Credits
John Williams: Artista
The Witches Of Eastwick – Dance Of The Witches
John Williams: Artista
The River – Main Theme / Love Theme
John Williams: Artista
Dracula – Main Titles & Storm
John Williams: Artista
The Fury
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Black Sunday – Suite
John Williams: Artista
The Missouri Breaks – Love Theme
John Williams: Artista
Family Plot – End Titles
John Williams: Artista
Battle of Midway
John Williams: Artista
The Towering Inferno
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
The Long Goodbye
John Williams: Artista
Cinderella Liberty – Nice To Be Around
John Williams: Artista
The Poseidon Adventure
John Williams: Artista
The Cowboys – Suite
John Williams: Artista
Jane Eyre – Theme
John Williams: Artista
The Rare Breed – The Cross-Breed / End Credits
John Williams: Artista
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: "Hedwig's Theme"
John Williams: Artista
Memoirs of a Geisha: "Sayuri's Theme & End Credits"
John Williams: Artista
Star Wars: A New Hope: "Main Credits"
John Williams: Artista
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: "Battle of the Heroes"
John Williams: Artista
Jaws: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Artista
Schindler's List: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Artista
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
John Williams: Artista
War of the Worlds: "Suite"
John Williams: Artista
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence: "Where Dreams are Born"
John Williams: Artista
Raiders of the Lost Ark: "The Raiders March"
John Williams: Artista
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: "Duel of the Fates"
John Williams: Artista
Superman: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Artista
Munich: "Prayer for Peace"
John Williams: Artista
Gilderoy Lockhard
Patrick Doyle: Artista
Quidditch World Cup - The Foreigners Arrive
Patrick Doyle: Artista
Harry in Winter
Patrick Doyle: Artista
The Hogwarts March
Patrick Doyle: Artista
The Potter Waltz
Patrick Doyle: Artista
The Black Lake
Patrick Doyle: Artista
Another Year Ends
Patrick Doyle: Artista
The Hogwarts Hymn
Patrick Doyle: Artista
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Suite
Patrick Doyle: Artista
Main Theme from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Artista
Princess Leia from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Artista
Cantina Band from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Artista
The Imperial March from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Artista
Yoda's Theme from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Howard Shore: Artista
Luke and Leia from Episode IV: Return of the Jedi
Howard Shore: Artista
Duel of the Fates from Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Howard Shore: Artista
Anakin's Theme from Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Howard Shore: Artista
Across the Stars from Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Howard Shore: Artista
Battle of the Heroes from Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith
Howard Shore: Artista
Harry's Wonderous World from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Howard Shore: Artista
The Chamber of Secrets from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Howard Shore: Artista
Aunt Marge's Waltz from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Howard Shore: Artista
May It Be & Themes from The Fellowship of the Ring
Howard Shore: Artista
The Hornburg from The Two Towers
Howard Shore: Artista
The Ride of the Rohirrim from The Return of the King
Howard Shore: Artista
The Lord of the Rings - Fellowship Theme
David Arnold: Artista
Harry Potter
David Arnold: Artista
My Heart Will Go On
David Arnold: Artista
Love Is All Around
David Arnold: Artista
David Arnold: Artista
David Arnold: Artista
David Arnold: Artista
Schindler's List
David Arnold: Artista
The James Bond Theme
David Arnold: Artista
Kissing You
David Arnold: Artista
As Good As It Gets
David Arnold: Artista
Last of the Mohicans
David Arnold: Artista
Robert and Mary
David Arnold: Artista
Streets of Philadelphia
David Arnold: Artista
Nearer My God To Thee
David Arnold: Artista
Star Wars
David Arnold: Artista
Men In Black
David Arnold: Artista
The X-Files
David Arnold: Artista
E.T. - Flying Theme
David Arnold: Artista
Close Encounters
David Arnold: Artista
2001: A Space Odyssey
David Arnold: Artista
Independence Day
David Arnold: Artista
Theme from Mission: Impossible
David Arnold: Artista
Dr. Who
David Arnold: Artista
Beauty and the Beast
David Arnold: Artista
Jurassic Park
David Arnold: Artista
Blade Runner
David Arnold: Artista
The Ghost and the Darkness
David Arnold: Artista
Sleepy Hollow
David Arnold: Artista
The Lord of the Rings - May It Be (Enya)
David Arnold: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Hogwart's Forever
John Williams: Artista
Family Portrait (Prologue)
John Williams: Artista
Nimbus 2000 (Quiddich)
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World - Part 1
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World - Part 2
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World (Quiddich Theme)
John Williams: Artista
Lalo Schifrin - Mission: Impossible
John Barry: Artista
Hans Zimmer - Gladiator
John Barry: Artista
John Williams - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone : "Hedwig's Theme"
John Barry: Artista
John Williams - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone : "Harry's Wondrous World"
John Barry: Artista
Howard Shore - The Lord of the Rings
John Barry: Artista
Stephen Warbeck - Shakespeare in Love: "Suite"
John Barry: Artista
Danny Elfman - Batman
John Barry: Artista
John Barry - Out of Africa
John Barry: Artista
John Barry - License to Kill
John Barry: Artista
Dolly Parton - The Bodyguard: "I Will Always Love You"
John Barry: Artista
Michel Legrand - The Thomas Crown Affair: "The Windmills of Your Mind"
John Barry: Artista
Michael Kamen - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: "Everything I Do I Do It For You"
John Barry: Artista
John Williams - Schindler's List
John Barry: Artista
James Horner - Titanic
John Barry: Artista
Dragon Theme / A Father's Nightmare
Randy Edelman: Artista
Yip Man's Kwoon
Randy Edelman: Artista
Lee Hoi Chuen's Love
Randy Edelman: Artista
Bruce And Linda
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Challenge Fight Warm-Up
Randy Edelman: Artista
Sailing On The South China Sea
Randy Edelman: Artista
Fists Of Fury
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Tao Of Jeet Kune Do
Randy Edelman: Artista
Victory At Ed Parker's
Randy Edelman: Artista
Randy Edelman: Artista
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Mountain Of Gold
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Premiere Of The Big Boss
Randy Edelman: Artista
Fighting Demons
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Dragon's Heartbeat
Randy Edelman: Artista
First Date
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Hong Kong Cha-Cha (Lynn-Ray)
Randy Edelman: Artista
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Theme
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Quidditch Anthem
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Chess Match
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Green Cauldron
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Malfoy Fight
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Dark Hogwarts
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Devils Snare
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Flying Keys
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Quirrell 2
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Hogwarts Neutral
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Peeves Chase
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Remember All Chase
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Story Book
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Troll Chase
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Willow Boss Level 1
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Fluffy Intro
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Quirrell 3
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Happy Hogwarts
Jeremy Soule: Artista
Heart of Stone
Steven Price: Artista
She Can Do This
Steven Price: Artista
Betting On Blood
Steven Price: Artista
Nine of Hearts
Steven Price: Artista
Welcome Party
Steven Price: Artista
Stone Goes Home
Steven Price: Artista
Six Hostiles
Steven Price: Artista
Eat Tapas
Steven Price: Artista
All Under Control
Steven Price: Artista
I Think You're Ready for the Field
Steven Price: Artista
I Was So Pleased It Was You
Steven Price: Artista
I Hate Secrets
Steven Price: Artista
Either Us Or Them
Steven Price: Artista
Guessing Its Not the Nightlife
Steven Price: Artista
Would You Look at That
Steven Price: Artista
Look Who It Is
Steven Price: Artista
I Don't Have a Parachute
Steven Price: Artista
Secret Agent Our Way Back
Steven Price: Artista
Up and Running
Steven Price: Artista
If the Heart Wants to Find Us It Will
Steven Price: Artista
See You On the Other Side
Steven Price: Artista
When the Moment Comes
Steven Price: Artista
A Little Time to Think Things Over
Steven Price: Artista
Settle Down Now
Steven Price: Artista
A Winning Hand
Steven Price: Artista
Its Good to Hear From You
Steven Price: Artista
The Heart and the Charter
Steven Price: Artista
Quiet (Noga Erez)
Steven Price: Artista
Paradise (Jesse's Theme)
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jesse Walks Home
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jeff Beal: Artista
No Remorse
Jeff Beal: Artista
There's Something Else
Jeff Beal: Artista
Sea Change
Jeff Beal: Artista
Saying Goodbye to Boomer
Jeff Beal: Artista
Suitcase Simpson
Jeff Beal: Artista
Being Followed
Jeff Beal: Artista
Death in Paradise
Jeff Beal: Artista
Are You Tough?
Jeff Beal: Artista
Life Beyond Work
Jeff Beal: Artista
Above My Pay Grade
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jesse's Nightmare
Jeff Beal: Artista
Billy's Room
Jeff Beal: Artista
Making Evidence Fit
Jeff Beal: Artista
The Lincolns
Jeff Beal: Artista
The Next Murder
Jeff Beal: Artista
She Was Pregnant
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jealousy's A Powerful Thing
Jeff Beal: Artista
What Are You Doing Here
Jeff Beal: Artista
Emily Bishop
Jeff Beal: Artista
Put You Away
Jeff Beal: Artista
Gonna Clean House
Jeff Beal: Artista
How Long Have You Known?
Jeff Beal: Artista
Going Home Again
Jeff Beal: Artista
Check Your Messages
Jeff Beal: Artista
Carefully Applied Pressure
Jeff Beal: Artista
What Have I Done
Jeff Beal: Artista
Have Dinner With Me
Jeff Beal: Artista
Billie's Ghost
Jeff Beal: Artista
Did I Miss Your Call
Jeff Beal: Artista
Give Me The Badge
Jeff Beal: Artista
He Was a Cop
Jeff Beal: Artista
The Interview Is Over
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jeff Beal: Artista
I Could Have Found Her
Jeff Beal: Artista
Not Going To Make It
Jeff Beal: Artista
Benefit of the Doubt
Jeff Beal: Artista
Send Me Everything
Jeff Beal: Artista
Boat Shootout
Jeff Beal: Artista
Lost My Conscience
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jenny's Theme
Jeff Beal: Artista
Steve the Dog
Jeff Beal: Artista
Check Your Premises
Jeff Beal: Artista
His Master's Voice
Jeff Beal: Artista
Justice For Your Friend
Jeff Beal: Artista
Don't Make Me Start Over
Jeff Beal: Artista
Gino Fish
Jeff Beal: Artista
Innocence Lost
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jeff Beal: Artista
The Mill of the Stone Women (Main Title)
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Hans' First Visit to the Mill
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
At The Café
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Elfie's Piano
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Meeting Elfie
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
The Spooky Carousel
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Searching for Elfie
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Hans Returns to The Mill
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Elfie's Mysterious Illness
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
The Operating Room
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Fight for Deliverance
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Escape from the Mill of Stone Women
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Cue 1 (Madlib)
Madlib: Artista
Cue 2 (Madlib)
Madlib: Artista
Don't Go Swag (Live) (Dâm-Funk)
Madlib: Artista
Lightworks (J Dilla)
Madlib: Artista
Get to the Point (Tony Cook)
Madlib: Artista
Cue 4 (Madlib)
Madlib: Artista
Methods (Peanut Butter Wolf Charizma)
Madlib: Artista
Face 2 Face (Silk Rhodes)
Madlib: Artista
I Wish It Would Rain (Mayer Hawthorne)
Madlib: Artista
Technology (Vex Ruffin)
Madlib: Artista
Whatchu Want from Me (Homeboy Sandman)
Madlib: Artista
Legends (Remix) (Percee P The Stepkids, feat. Krondon)
Madlib: Artista
Nightshift in Blue (Jonti)
Madlib: Artista
In the Eyes of the Lord (James Pants)
Madlib: Artista
The Anthem (Lootpack)
Madlib: Artista
Low Class Conspiracy (Quasimoto)
Madlib: Artista
Cue 9 (Madlib)
Madlib: Artista
Cue 10 (Madlib)
Madlib: Artista
McNasty Filth (Jaylib, feat. Frank-n-Dank)
Madlib: Artista
All Caps (Madvillain)
Madlib: Artista
Gotta Get Rid of Rick (Baron Zen)
Madlib: Artista
Second Chance (Folerio)
Madlib: Artista
I Need a Dollar (Live in Studio) (Aloe Blacc)
Madlib: Artista
Do My Thang (7 Days Of Funk)
Madlib: Artista
Fitta Happier (MED The Quakers, feat. Guilty Simpson)
Madlib: Artista
If I Gave You My Love (Myron & E)
Madlib: Artista
1969 (The Proper Ornaments)
John Roome: Artista
Ain't Nothing Here to Change My Mind (Greg ‘Stackhouse' Prevost)
John Roome: Artista
Edith Groove (Dick Taylor & The Red Squirls)
John Roome: Artista
Dusted (Ray 'Sonic' Hanson's Whores of Babylon)
John Roome: Artista
Riding the Dog (Deadbeat Poets)
John Roome: Artista
The Path of the Meeting (J.M. Baule)
John Roome: Artista
14a Chestnut St. (Dick Taylor & The Red Squirls)
John Roome: Artista
Tighten It Rough (Steve Hooker)
John Roome: Artista
Brian (John Perry)
John Roome: Artista
(I'll Never Be) Satisfied (Alabama 3)
John Roome: Artista
Brian Jones (The Real True Leader of The Rolling Stones) (The Bermondsey Joyriders)
John Roome: Artista
Glitter Girl (The Primadonna Reeds)
John Roome: Artista
Muddy Waters (John Roome)
John Roome: Artista
How the West Was Won (Alfred Newman)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
I'm in Trouble
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Bus Ride*
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Jack and Joan
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Gorge
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Body*
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Ransacked Apartment / Zolo**
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Bronco Chase
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Ride**
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Senile Samba
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Dance / They Kiss
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Hotel Escape
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Stone Revealed
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Square*
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Over Here / You and Your Sister*
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Struggling for the Stone
Alan Silvestri: Artista
So Long Jack
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Sailboat
Alan Silvestri: Artista
End Titles
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Piano Bar (Source)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Dance (Discrete Cue)**
Alan Silvestri: Artista
They Kiss (Discrete Cue)**
Alan Silvestri: Artista
End Titles (Alternate)
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Logo and Prologue
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Ransacked Apartment
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Joan & Jack
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Escape In The Little Mule
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Town
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Dance and They Kiss
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Square
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Piano Bar
Alan Silvestri: Artista
20th Century Fox Fanfare (with CinemaScope extension) (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
All About Eve (1950) - Main Title / The Award (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
How Green Was My Valley (1941) - The Family and Bronwen / Finale / End Title (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Song of Bernadette (1943) - The Vision (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
Laura (1994) - Main Title (David Raksin)
David Arnold: Artista
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) - Prelude / Local Train / The Sea (Bernard Herrmann)
David Arnold: Artista
Captain From Castile (1947) - Conquest (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
Twelve O'Clock High (1948) - Main title (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Day The Earth STood Still (1951) - Prelude / Outer Space / Radar (Bernard Herrmann)
David Arnold: Artista
Viva Zapata! (1952) - Gathering Forces (Alex North)
David Arnold: Artista
My Cousin Rachel (1952) - Main Title (Franz Waxman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Robe (1953) - Main Title / Caligula's Arrival / Finale (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
Prince Valiant (1954) - Main Title / King Aguar's Escape (Franz Waxman)
David Arnold: Artista
Untamed (195) - Main Title (Franz Waxman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Rains of Ranchipur (1955) - Main Title (Hugo Friedhofer)
David Arnold: Artista
How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) - Street Scene (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Seven Year Itch (1955) - Main Title (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
Three Coins In The Fountain (1954) - Prelude / Rome (Victor Young)
David Arnold: Artista
Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing (1955) - Main Title / God Has Been Good / Finale (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Long, Hot Summer (1958) - The Long, Hot Summer, Lyrics by Sammy Cahn, Performed by Jimmie Rodgers / Two Butterflies
David Arnold: Artista
From The Terrace (1960) - Love Theme (Elmer Bernstein)
David Arnold: Artista
Cleopatra (1963) - Main Title / Cleopatra Enters Rome (Alex North)
David Arnold: Artista
The Sand Pebbles (1966) - Overture / Main Title (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
Planet Of The Apes (1968) - Main Title / The Hunt (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
Patton (1970) - Main Title / German Advance (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) - Main Title (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
The French Connection (1971) - Main Title / This Is It (Don Ellis)
David Arnold: Artista
The Poseidon Adventure (1972) - Main Title (John Williams)
David Arnold: Artista
The Paper Chase (1973) - End Title (John Williams)
David Arnold: Artista
Conrack (1974) - Main Title (John Williams)
David Arnold: Artista
The Omen (1976) - Ave Satani (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
Magic (1978) - Main Title (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
The Fury (1978) - For Gillian / End Title (John Williams)
David Arnold: Artista
Alien (1979) - Main Title (Jerry Goldsmith)
David Arnold: Artista
Norma Rae (1979) - It Goes Like It Goes (Lyrics by Norman Gimbel, Performed by Jennifer Warnes) (David Shire)
David Arnold: Artista
Author! Author! (1982) - Main Title (Dave Grusin)
David Arnold: Artista
Max Dugan Returns (1983) - End Title (David Shire)
David Arnold: Artista
Romancing The Stone (1984) - End Title (Alan Silvestri)
David Arnold: Artista
Commando (1985) - Prologue / Main Title (James Horner)
David Arnold: Artista
Predator (1986) - Main Title (Alan Silvestri)
David Arnold: Artista
The Fly (1986) - Main Title (Howard Shore)
David Arnold: Artista
Lucas (1986) - Main Title (Dave Grusin)
David Arnold: Artista
Raising Arizona (1987) - Way Out There (Carter Burwell)
David Arnold: Artista
Wall Street (1987) - Bud's Scam (Stewart Copeland)
David Arnold: Artista
Big (1988) - Opening (Howard Shore)
David Arnold: Artista
Broadcast News (1987) - Young Jane / Main Title (Bill Conti)
David Arnold: Artista
Die Hard (1988) - The Nakatomi Plaza / Gruber's Arrival (Michael Kamen)
David Arnold: Artista
The Abyss (1989) - Bud on the Ledge (Alan Silvestri)
David Arnold: Artista
Hoffa (1992) - End Credits (David Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) - Main Title (Howard Shore
David Arnold: Artista
Speed (1994) - The Rescue (Mark Mancina)
David Arnold: Artista
Cast Away (2000) - End Credits (Alan Silvestri)
David Arnold: Artista
Unfaithful (2002) - Unfaithful (Jan A.P. Kaczmarek)
David Arnold: Artista
Ice Age (2002) - Opening Travel Music (David Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
I, Robot (2004) - End Credits (Marco Beltrami)
David Arnold: Artista
Fantastic Four (2005) - Main Titles (John Ottman)
David Arnold: Artista
Night At The Museum (2006) - Night At The Museum (Alan Silvestri)
David Arnold: Artista
Horton Hears A Who! (2008) - Horton Suite (John Powell)
David Arnold: Artista
Independence Day (1996) - End Credits (David Arnold)
David Arnold: Artista
Romancing the Stone - End Credits
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back to the Future - Theme
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - Suite
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back to the Future, Part II - Suite
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back to the Future, Part III - End Credits
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Death Becomes Her - End Credits
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Forrest Gump - Suite
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Contact - End Credits
Alan Silvestri: Artista
What Lies Beneath - End Credits
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Cast Away - End Credits
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Silver Pictures Logo
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Forrest Gump
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Father Of The Bride
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back To The Future Part III
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Quick And The Dead
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Richie Rich
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Romancing The Stone
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Abyss
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Clan Of The Cave Bear
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Death Becomes Her
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Predator 2
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Logo / Main Titles
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Love Theme
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Fort
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Go To The Head Of The Class
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Lake
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Limo Chase
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Guarding Rachael
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Frank On Patrol
Alan Silvestri: Artista
A Game Of Chess
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Fletcher In Danger
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Fleeing The Club
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Frank And Rachael
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Stay With Me
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Klystron
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back To The Future III
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Young Guns II
Alan Silvestri: Artista
American Anthem
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Critical Condition
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back To THe Future II
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Back To The Future
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Grumpy Old Men
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Mac & Me
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Delta Force
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Blown Away
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Super Mario Brothers
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Alan Silvestri: Artista
No Mercy
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Clean Slate
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Outrageous Fortune
Alan Silvestri: Artista
The Bodyguard
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Great Big Palace
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Dark Times
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
For Peter
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Times Have Changed
Tyler Strickland: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
The Soul of Climbing
Tyler Strickland: Artista
On the Rocks / Work Begins
Louis Febre: Artista
Ballet of the Rock
Louis Febre: Artista
Sunset Over Ventura / A Shogun Story
Louis Febre: Artista
Mirror Stone / End Credits
Louis Febre: Artista
Women In Love: Love Theme
Georges Delerue: Artista
The Day of the Jackal: La valse du président
Georges Delerue: Artista
Love Comes Quietly: Suite 1
Georges Delerue: Artista
Love Comes Quietly: Suite 2
Georges Delerue: Artista
Love Comes Quietly: The Great Waltz
Georges Delerue: Artista
The Escape Artist: Exercises In Escapism
Georges Delerue: Artista
The Escape Artist: A Sentimental Artist
Georges Delerue: Artista
The Escape Artist: Run for Your Life
Georges Delerue: Artista
The Escape Artist: End Titles
Georges Delerue: Artista
Stone Pillow: Main Title
Georges Delerue: Artista
Stone Pillow: Suite
Georges Delerue: Artista
American Friends: Suite
Georges Delerue: Artista
American Friends: End Title
Georges Delerue: Artista
"Little Red Rooster" - The Counterfeit Stones
David Arnold: Artista
"Stop Breaking Down" - The Bees
David Arnold: Artista
"Lazy Sunday" - The Small Faces
David Arnold: Artista
"White Rabbit" - Jefferson Airplane
David Arnold: Artista
"Paper Sun" - Traffic
David Arnold: Artista
"Devil In Me" - 22-20s
David Arnold: Artista
"Love In Vain" - Haley Glennie-Smith
David Arnold: Artista
"Brian's Joint" - Arnold, David
David Arnold: Artista
"Ballad Of A Thin Man" - Kula Shaker
David Arnold: Artista
Out of Control
David Arnold: Artista
"Come On In My Kitchen" - Haley Glennie-Smith
David Arnold: Artista
"The Last Time" - A Band Of Bees
David Arnold: Artista
Pool Fight
David Arnold: Artista
"Love In Vain" - Paul Buttler and Little Barrie
David Arnold: Artista
David Arnold: Artista
"Not Fade Away" - A Band Of Bees
David Arnold: Artista
"Time Is On My Side" - A Band Of Bees
David Arnold: Artista
"Stop Breakin' Down Blues" - Robert Johnson
David Arnold: Artista
Eliza's Theme
John Debney: Artista
John Debney: Artista
Eliza's Story
John Debney: Artista
Wagon Ride
John Debney: Artista
Seeing the Asylum
John Debney: Artista
Edward Enters Asylum
John Debney: Artista
Eliza Plays
John Debney: Artista
Eliza Warns Edward / Secret Passage
John Debney: Artista
We Are Not Crazy
John Debney: Artista
Dangerous Liaison
John Debney: Artista
Lamb Gives a Tour
John Debney: Artista
Edward Meets Timm
John Debney: Artista
Edward Meets Eliza
John Debney: Artista
The Doctor's Story
John Debney: Artista
Edward's Plea to Eliza
John Debney: Artista
Shock Therapy
John Debney: Artista
Danse Macabre Saint Saens
John Debney: Artista
Edward Searches / Finn Kills Millie
John Debney: Artista
Eliza Finds Dead Millie / Inmates Revelry
John Debney: Artista
Bonfire / Edward Prepares
John Debney: Artista
Finn/Edward Fight
John Debney: Artista
John Debney: Artista
Strapped To Gurney / Edward Confesses
John Debney: Artista
Electrocution / Lamb's Story Revealed
John Debney: Artista
Finn Catches Fire / Escape
John Debney: Artista
Aftermath / First Kiss
John Debney: Artista
I Am Dr. Newgate!
John Debney: Artista
Edward's Story
John Debney: Artista
Eliza's Waltz
John Debney: Artista
Eliza and Edward
John Debney: Artista
A Grand Opening
Paul Arnold: Artista
Introduction / Love at First Sight
Paul Arnold: Artista
Jolly Green Giant
Paul Arnold: Artista
I'll Bite Your Dick Off / Desiree
The Long, Hot Summer (1958) - The Long, Hot Summer, Lyrics by Sammy Cahn, Performed by Jimmie Rodgers / Two Butterflies
David Arnold: Artista
You're Smoking on the Wrong Side of Amsterdam / This is Amsterdam
Paul Arnold: Artista
The Lighter / Michael Jack's Son
Paul Arnold: Artista
What's Mick up To?
Paul Arnold: Artista
I Want to Give You Something
Paul Arnold: Artista
Leaflet Drop
Paul Arnold: Artista
Dad in Denial / Don't Wake Up
Paul Arnold: Artista
The Green Stalk
Paul Arnold: Artista
Who's a Cant / The List
Paul Arnold: Artista
Gordon the Great
Paul Arnold: Artista
Paul Arnold: Artista
Crossing the Alley
Paul Arnold: Artista
Green Stalk Magic / My Balls Work
Paul Arnold: Artista
Follow Her / Secret Jars of Money
Paul Arnold: Artista
Of All the Girls
Paul Arnold: Artista
Dwarf Rap
Paul Arnold: Artista
Paul Arnold: Artista
Paul Arnold: Artista
I'm Not Dead
Paul Arnold: Artista
Kick in the Bum / The Missing Page
Paul Arnold: Artista
Team Fanfare / Amstardam Overture
Paul Arnold: Artista
Start Rolling
Paul Arnold: Artista
The Rest of the Competition
Paul Arnold: Artista
A Whiter Shade of Pale (Procol Harum)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Shadow of A Memory (The Silver Stars)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
It Ain't Fair, But It's Fun (The Fabulous Originals)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
I'll Take You There (The Staples Singers)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
My Mind Goes High (M.C. 2)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Danny (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Ray (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
A Packed Suitcase (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Aren't You My Friend, Danny (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Cinderella (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Riots Begin (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Unfinished Business (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Kenny's Story
Finding Loogan's Shed
Selling Mutual's (John Leventhal)
John Leventhal: Artista
I'm a Father
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Scold's Bride
Tom Holkenborg: Artista
Circle of Fear (I Can't Wait)
Sidney Sager: Artista
Matthew's Accident
Sidney Sager: Artista
Looks, It's Jimmo
Sidney Sager: Artista
The Barber Surgeon's Amulet
Sidney Sager: Artista
Never, It's Mine
Sidney Sager: Artista
He's Not There
Sidney Sager: Artista
We've Lost Them
Sidney Sager: Artista
I'll Return This at the Same Time
Sidney Sager: Artista
We're Trapped
Sidney Sager: Artista
That Won't Be Hard
Hybrid: Artista
She's Riding Alone
Hybrid: Artista
The Devil's Book
Hybrid: Artista
Let's Go Die Again
Hybrid: Artista
You Ain't Seen Mad
Hybrid: Artista
Beat The Devil's Tattoo (Hybrid Dead In Tombstone Mix) (with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club)
Hybrid: Artista
It's Been A While
Hybrid: Artista
He's My Brother
Hybrid: Artista
The Dance (Pinky's)
Ivan Sen: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World
John Williams: Artista
Fluffy's Harp
John Williams: Artista
In the Devil's Snare / The Flying Keys
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme
John Williams: Artista
Don't Burn My Letter
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wish and Hagrid's Entrance
John Williams: Artista
You're a Wizard, Harry
John Williams: Artista
Hagrid's Flashback
John Williams: Artista
Hermione's Feather
John Williams: Artista
Hagrid's Christmas Tree
John Williams: Artista
Hermione's Reading
John Williams: Artista
Filch's Fond Remembrance
John Williams: Artista
Fluffy's Harp Lullaby
John Williams: Artista
In the Devil's Snare
John Williams: Artista
CHILDREN'S SUITE FOR ORCHESTRA: Prologue (Hedwig's Flight)
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme for Harp
John Williams: Artista
Owl's Flight
John Williams: Artista
Filch's Warning and Boys Receive Detention
John Williams: Artista
Dumbledore's Caution
John Williams: Artista
Dad's Cloak and Hagrid's Arrest
John Williams: Artista
Car Drives Off / It's a Basilisk
John Williams: Artista
Myrtle's Tale
John Williams: Artista
END CREDITS SUITE: Harry's Wondrous World
John Williams: Artista
Filch's Warning
John Williams: Artista
THE FILM SCORE: Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme)
John Williams: Artista
Aunt Marge's Waltz
John Williams: Artista
Parents' Portrait and The Empty Playground
John Williams: Artista
Buckbeak's Flight
John Williams: Artista
A Walk in the Woods and Bird's Flight
John Williams: Artista
Buckbeak's Fate and The Marauder's Map
John Williams: Artista
Lupin's Transformation
John Williams: Artista
Lupin's Departure
John Williams: Artista
SOURCE MUSIC: The Wizards' Consort
John Williams: Artista
A Winter's Spell
John Williams: Artista
ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme)
John Williams: Artista
Rey's Theme (From "Star Wars: The Force Awakens")
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme (From "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back")
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme (From "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone")
John Williams: Artista
Sayuri's Theme (From "Memoirs of a Geisha")
John Williams: Artista
Theme (From "Schindler's List")
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World (From "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone")
John Williams: Artista
Marion's Theme (From "Raiders Of The Lost Ark")
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme (From "Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back")
John Williams: Artista
Hedwig's Theme (From "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone")
John Williams: Artista
Max's Departure
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Homeward Bound (King Arthur's Theme) - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Eric Allaman: Artista
Hedwig's Theme - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Eric Allaman: Artista
Main Title - Pan's Labyrinth
Eric Allaman: Artista
In Each Other's Eyes - Krull
Eric Allaman: Artista
Fluffy's Harp - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
John Williams: Artista
The Lanes of Limerick - Angela's Ashes
John Williams: Artista
Gabriel's Oboe - The Mission (arr. R. Ling)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Lara's Theme - Doctor Zhivago (arr. J.G. Mortimer)
Danny Elfman: Artista
Hedwig's Theme (Philosopher's Stone)
Harry's Wondrous World (hilosopher's Stone)
Nimbus 2000 (Philosopher's Stone)
Christmas at Hogwarts (Philosopher's Stone)
Leaving Hogwarts (Philosopher's Stone)
Aunt Marge's Waltz (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Mischief Managed / A Window To The Past / Buckbeak's Flight (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Neville's Waltz (Goblet Of Fire)
Sirius Deception / Dumbledore's Army (Order Of The Phoenix)
Dumbledore's Farewell (Half Blood Prince)
Lily's Theme (Deathly Hallows Part 2)
Harry's Wondrous World from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Album Only)
John Williams: Artista
Theme from Schindler's List (with Itzhak Perlman)
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Marion's Theme
John Williams: Artista
THE LAST CRUSADE: Indy's First Adventure
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
John Williams: Artista
Mischief Managed / A Window to the Past / Buckbeak's Flight
John Williams: Artista
Schindler's List – Theme
John Williams: Artista
Always – Follow Me / Dorinda's Solo Flight
John Williams: Artista
Memoirs of a Geisha – Sayuri's Theme & End Credits
John Williams: Artista
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: "Hedwig's Theme"
John Williams: Artista
Memoirs of a Geisha: "Sayuri's Theme & End Credits"
John Williams: Artista
Schindler's List: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Artista
Yoda's Theme from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Howard Shore: Artista
Anakin's Theme from Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Howard Shore: Artista
Harry's Wonderous World from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Howard Shore: Artista
Aunt Marge's Waltz from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Howard Shore: Artista
Schindler's List
David Arnold: Artista
Hogwart's Forever
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World - Part 1
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World - Part 2
John Williams: Artista
Harry's Wondrous World (Quiddich Theme)
John Williams: Artista
John Williams - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone : "Hedwig's Theme"
John Barry: Artista
John Williams - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone : "Harry's Wondrous World"
John Barry: Artista
John Williams - Schindler's List
John Barry: Artista
Dragon Theme / A Father's Nightmare
Randy Edelman: Artista
Yip Man's Kwoon
Randy Edelman: Artista
Lee Hoi Chuen's Love
Randy Edelman: Artista
Victory At Ed Parker's
Randy Edelman: Artista
The Dragon's Heartbeat
Randy Edelman: Artista
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Theme
Jeremy Soule: Artista
I Think You're Ready for the Field
Steven Price: Artista
I Don't Have a Parachute
Steven Price: Artista
Paradise (Jesse's Theme)
Jeff Beal: Artista
There's Something Else
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jesse's Nightmare
Jeff Beal: Artista
Billy's Room
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jealousy's A Powerful Thing
Jeff Beal: Artista
Billie's Ghost
Jeff Beal: Artista
Jenny's Theme
Jeff Beal: Artista
His Master's Voice
Jeff Beal: Artista
Don't Make Me Start Over
Jeff Beal: Artista
Hans' First Visit to the Mill
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Elfie's Piano
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Elfie's Mysterious Illness
Carlo Innocenzi: Artista
Don't Go Swag (Live) (Dâm-Funk)
Madlib: Artista
Ain't Nothing Here to Change My Mind (Greg ‘Stackhouse' Prevost)
John Roome: Artista
Dusted (Ray 'Sonic' Hanson's Whores of Babylon)
John Roome: Artista
(I'll Never Be) Satisfied (Alabama 3)
John Roome: Artista
I'm in Trouble
Alan Silvestri: Artista
Twelve O'Clock High (1948) - Main title (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Robe (1953) - Main Title / Caligula's Arrival / Finale (Alfred Newman)
David Arnold: Artista
Prince Valiant (1954) - Main Title / King Aguar's Escape (Franz Waxman)
David Arnold: Artista
The Long, Hot Summer (1958) - The Long, Hot Summer, Lyrics by Sammy Cahn, Performed by Jimmie Rodgers / Two Butterflies
David Arnold: Artista
Wall Street (1987) - Bud's Scam (Stewart Copeland)
David Arnold: Artista
Die Hard (1988) - The Nakatomi Plaza / Gruber's Arrival (Michael Kamen)
David Arnold: Artista
Tyler Strickland: Artista
"Brian's Joint" - Arnold, David
David Arnold: Artista
"Stop Breakin' Down Blues" - Robert Johnson
David Arnold: Artista
Eliza's Theme
John Debney: Artista
Eliza's Story
John Debney: Artista
The Doctor's Story
John Debney: Artista
Edward's Plea to Eliza
John Debney: Artista
Electrocution / Lamb's Story Revealed
John Debney: Artista
Edward's Story
John Debney: Artista
Eliza's Waltz
John Debney: Artista
I'll Bite Your Dick Off / Desiree
Paul Arnold: Artista
You're Smoking on the Wrong Side of Amsterdam / This is Amsterdam
Paul Arnold: Artista
The Lighter / Michael Jack's Son
Paul Arnold: Artista
What's Mick up To?
Paul Arnold: Artista
Dad in Denial / Don't Wake Up
Paul Arnold: Artista
Who's a Cant / The List
Paul Arnold: Artista
I'm Not Dead
Paul Arnold: Artista
It Ain't Fair, But It's Fun (The Fabulous Originals)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
I'll Take You There (The Staples Singers)
Rob Simonsen: Artista
Aren't You My Friend, Danny (Rob Simonsen)
Rob Simonsen: Artista

Opiniones de usuarios

José Manuel Pardo

La banda sonora logra capturar la desesperación y la ambigüedad moral que caracterizan las acciones de los protagonistas.

Ana María García

Cada pieza musical de la banda sonora complementa magistralmente las escenas, creando una experiencia sensorial envolvente que potencia la narrativa y las emociones de los personajes.

José Luis Rodríguez

La elección de las piezas musicales resalta los momentos de conflicto y tensión entre los protagonistas, añadiendo capas de profundidad a la narrativa.

Beatriz Herrera

En general, la banda sonora de Stone es un elemento fundamental que potencia la experiencia cinematográfica, enriqueciendo cada escena con sus matices sonoros.

Luis Navarro

Los temas musicales seleccionados enriquecen las escenas más emotivas, aportando una dimensión adicional a las relaciones entre los personajes.

Ángel Castro

Las composiciones musicales reflejan de manera efectiva la dualidad de los personajes, especialmente la complejidad emocional de Jack Mabry y Stone Creeson.

Daniel Rojas

La música logra transmitir la tensión creciente a lo largo de la historia, manteniendo al espectador en vilo y generando una atmósfera de suspenso palpable y adictiva.

Diego Marín

La elección de las melodías y los sonidos encaja de manera excepcional con el conflicto interno de los personajes principales, añadiendo capas de profundidad y complejidad a sus personalidades.

Diego Iglesias

La banda sonora de Stone es simplemente cautivadora. Cada composición musical logra sumergirme de lleno en la compleja trama de la película, aportando una atmósfera de suspenso y tensión que complementa a la perfección las emociones de los personajes.

Luis Suárez

La música de fondo ayuda a construir la tensión psicológica entre los personajes, creando un ambiente inquietante y perturbador.

José Luis Vega

Cada pieza musical de la banda sonora de Stone logra transmitir de manera magistral la dualidad de los personajes principales. Desde los momentos de conflicto interno de Jack Mabry hasta la seducción y manipulación de Lucetta, la música logra capturar la esencia de cada escena, potenciando así la narrativa de la película de una manera sobresaliente.

Alberto Rojas

La creatividad y originalidad de la banda sonora destacan, aportando elementos únicos que enriquecen la experiencia cinematográfica y elevan el nivel de la producción.

Sofía Álvarez

Cada nota musical parece estar meticulosamente diseñada para reflejar la dualidad de los personajes y las complejas relaciones entre ellos, creando un impacto emocional profundo en el espectador.

Sofía Vega

La banda sonora de Stone logra crear una atmósfera tensa y misteriosa que complementa perfectamente la trama de la película.

Javier Moreno

Las melodías melancólicas reflejan la soledad y la angustia interna que experimentan Jack y Stone a lo largo de la trama.

Carmen Ortiz

La música logra transmitir la intriga y el suspenso presentes a lo largo de la historia, manteniendo al espectador en vilo.

Silvia Ortiz

La banda sonora de Stone logra fusionarse de manera magistral con la narrativa visual, creando una simbiosis perfecta que potencia la inmersión del espectador en la historia.

Pablo Vidal

La banda sonora de Stone logra capturar a la perfección la intensidad emocional y psicológica de la trama, sumergiéndote en la atmósfera oscura y misteriosa de la película.