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Eva, una joven doctora prometedora, deja su brillante carrera para estudiar Historia de la Medicina en una universidad remota. Ahora es el momento de que ella ponga todo en tela de juicio: su naturaleza, su cuerpo, su enfermedad y su destino sellado. Johan Anmuth es un médico prusiano del siglo XVIII en perpetuo conflicto entre el auge del racionalismo y las antiguas formas de animismo. El Libro de la Visión es un manuscrito que barre estas dos existencias, mezclándolas en un vórtice sin fin. Lejos de ser un texto científico adecuado, el libro contiene las esperanzas, temores y sueños de más de 1800 pacientes. El Dr. Anmuth realmente sabía cómo escuchar a sus pacientes cuyos espíritus aún deambulan por las páginas, la vida y la muerte se fusionan en un flujo continuo. La historia de Anmuth y sus pacientes inspira a Eva a vivir su vida al máximo. Nada caduca en su momento. Solo lo que deseas es real, no solo lo que sucede.
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The Book of Vision
Star Wars Main Title and the Arrival at Naboo
Duel of the Fates
Anakin's Theme
Jar Jar's Introduction and the Swim to Otoh Gunga
The Sith Spacecraft and the Droid Battle
The Trip to the Naboo Temple and the Audience with Boss Nass
The Arrival at Tatooine and the Flag Parade
He Is the Chosen One
Anakin Defeats Sebulba
Panaka and the Queen's Protectors
Queen Amidala and the Naboo Palace
The Droid Invasion and the Appearance of Darth Maul
Qui-Gon's Noble End
The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral
Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant
Across the Stars (Love Theme from "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones")
Zam the Assassin and the Chase Through Coruscant
Yoda and the Younglings
Departing Coruscant
Anakin and Padmé
Jango's Escape
The Meadow Picnic
Return to Tatooine
The Tusken Camp and the Homestead
Love Pledge and the Arena
Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale
Star Wars and the Revenge of the Sith
Battle of the Heroes
Anakin's Betrayal
General Grievous
Grievous and the Droids
Anakin vs. Obi-Wan
Anakin's Dark Deeds
Enter Lord Vader
Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious
The Birth of the Twins and Padmé's Destiny
A New Hope and End Credits
Main Title
Imperial Attack
Princess Leia's Theme
The Desert and the Robot Auction
Ben's Death and TIE Fighter Attack
Rescue of the Princess
Inner City
Cantina Band
The Return Home
The Walls Converge
The Princess Appears
The Last Battle
The Throne Room and End Title
Star Wars (Main Theme)
Yoda's Theme
The Training of a Jedi Knight
The Heroics of Luke and Han
The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)
Departure of Boba Fett
Han Solo and the Princess
The Battle in the Snow
The Asteroid Field
Opening Titles (feat. Errichetta Underground) (Hanan Townshend & Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
Down The Corridor (feat. Errichetta Underground)
Hanan Townshend:
Chasing Lovers (Act 1) (feat. Errichetta Underground & Bulgarian National Radio Symphony) (Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
The Tree
Hanan Townshend:
Elizabeth (feat. Errichetta Underground & Bulgarian National Radio Symphony)
Hanan Townshend:
Hanan Townshend:
Chasing Lovers (Act 2) (feat. Errichetta Underground)
Hanan Townshend:
Believe No. 1 (feat. Errichetta Underground & Bulgarian National Radio Symphony)
Hanan Townshend:
Perpetual Love (Variation on Brahms' Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 2) (feat. Errichetta Underground) (Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
The Vanity of Power
Hanan Townshend:
Chasing Lovers (Act 3) (feat. Bulgarian National Radio Symphony) (Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
Magic Spells
Hanan Townshend:
Eva's Dream
Hanan Townshend:
Under The Knife (Hanan Townshend & Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
Hanan Townshend:
Whispers (Hanan Townshend & Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
Chasing Lovers (Act 4) (feat. Errichetta Underground) (Federico Pascucci)
Hanan Townshend:
Believe No. 2 (feat. Errichetta Underground & Bulgarian National Radio Symphony)
Hanan Townshend:
The Child (feat. Errichetta Underground & Bulgarian National Radio Symphony) (Hanan Townshend & Federico Pascucc
Hanan Townshend:
In Your Eyes
Hanan Townshend:
Hanan Townshend:
Candy Says (feat. Lotte Verbeek) (Errichetta Underground)
Hanan Townshend: