The Forgotten Banda sonora (

The Forgotten Banda sonora (2014) carátula

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Valoración: 5.30/10 de 607 votos
Etiquetas: padre, hijo, madre, hija, aprender la identidad del padre de uno
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The Forgotten

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The Forgotten

Título en English:

The Forgotten


Cuando un padre y un hijo se ven obligados a vivir en cuclillas en una finca vacía del ayuntamiento de Londres programada para la demolición, Tommy, de 14 años, comienza a escuchar ruidos extraños provenientes del piso tapiado de al lado ...

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Reproducir Título Artista
The Forgotten
Down Like Silver: Artista
Lovers Who Make Love
Ciaran Lavery: Artista
White Winter Hymnal
Fleet Foxes: Artista
Winter Birds
Ray LaMontagne: Artista
Lucy Rose: Artista
Isbells: Artista
Sister Snow
Silences: Artista
Passenger: Artista
Chin Up
Amy Stroup: Artista
You And I
Don't Let Me Fall
Lenka: Artista
I Want to Belong to You
Katie Herzig: Artista
Paper Forest
Emmy The Great: Artista
Sparklehorse: Artista
Kauf: Artista
Gold Day
Sparklehorse: Artista
Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain (Aka Maxine)
Sparklehorse: Artista
I Might Float
Syd Matters: Artista
Always Love
Nada Surf: Artista
An Unsettling Calm
James Horner: Artista
James Horner: Artista
In Memories Only, the Empty Page
James Horner: Artista
Containment of a Darker Purpose
James Horner: Artista
The Experiment On Innocence
James Horner: Artista
Confronting Forever
James Horner: Artista
Re-Assembling Shattered Pieces
James Horner: Artista
Profound Emptiness... the Hangar
James Horner: Artista
Erasing the Truth
James Horner: Artista
Children, the Unbroken Bond
James Horner: Artista
End Credits
James Horner: Artista
Cliff Martinez: Artista
No Swinging the Club in the Car
Cliff Martinez: Artista
Cliff Martinez: Artista
What's Your Daughter On?
Cliff Martinez: Artista
You Two Don't Like Me
Cliff Martinez: Artista
La Cagaste
Cliff Martinez: Artista
The West End
Cliff Martinez: Artista
I Know She's In There
Cliff Martinez: Artista
La Pura Verdad
Cliff Martinez: Artista
Just Shoot Him
Cliff Martinez: Artista
Loading the Plane
Cliff Martinez: Artista
I Can't Do This
Cliff Martinez: Artista
The Police Won't Find Your Car
Cliff Martinez: Artista
"Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 1 in F Minor" - Wilhelm Kempff
Cliff Martinez: Artista
"On The Rhodes Again" - Morcheeba
Cliff Martinez: Artista
"Give The Po' Man A Break" - Fatboy Slim
Cliff Martinez: Artista
"Going Under Love And Insanity Dub" - Rocker's Hifi
Cliff Martinez: Artista
"An Ending (Ascent)" - Brian Eno
Cliff Martinez: Artista
A Way of Life
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Spectres in the Fog
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Hans Zimmer: Artista
A Hard Teacher
Hans Zimmer: Artista
To Know My Enemy
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Idyll's End
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Safe Passage
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Red Warrior
Hans Zimmer: Artista
The Way of the Sword
Hans Zimmer: Artista
A Small Measure of Peace
Hans Zimmer: Artista
Main Title
The Castle
The Room / Pepe Tail
Piano Source #2 / Piano Source #1
Piano Source #2A
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1
Head On - Part 2
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered
Escape To Bonn
Claudia / Dein Vater
Street Shoot-out / Miller Dies
In The Streets
Roth Tails / Park Meeting
Leaving Peter
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story
The Hunters - Part 1
The Hunters - Part 2 / In The Crosshairs