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Upstream Color es una película de ciencia ficción escrita y dirigida por Shane Carruth. La trama sigue a Kris, una mujer que es secuestrada y sometida a un extraño experimento que la deja con secuelas psicológicas.
Después de ser liberada, Kris conoce a Jeff, un hombre que también ha sido víctima del mismo experimento. Juntos intentan descubrir la verdad detrás de lo que les ha sucedido y cómo sus vidas están conectadas de una manera misteriosa.
La película explora temas como la identidad, la memoria y la conexión entre los seres humanos. Con una narrativa no lineal y un estilo visual único, Upstream Color es una experiencia cinematográfica intrigante y provocativa que desafía al espectador a reflexionar sobre la naturaleza de la realidad y la percepción.
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Upstream Color
Leaves Expanded May Be Prevailing Blue Mixed with Yellow of the Sand
Shane Carruth:
I Used to Wonder at the Halo of Light Around My Shadow and Would Fancy Myself One of the Elect
Shane Carruth:
Fearing That They Would Be Light-headed for Want of Food and Also Sleep
Shane Carruth:
Stirring Them up as the Keeper of a Menagerie His Wild Beasts
Shane Carruth:
The Finest Qualities of Our Nature like the Bloom on Fruits Can Be Preserved
Shane Carruth:
Perhaps the Wildest Sound That Is Ever Heard Here Making the Woods Ring Far and Wide
Shane Carruth:
I Love to Be Alone
Shane Carruth:
A Young Forest Growing Up Under Your Meadows
Shane Carruth:
Their Roots Reaching Quite Under the House
Shane Carruth:
The Rays Which Stream Through the Shutter Will Be No Longer Remembered When the Shutter Is Wholly Removed
Shane Carruth:
After Soaking Two Years and Then Lying High Six Months It Was Perfectly Sound Through Waterlogged past Drying
Shane Carruth:
The Sun Is but a Morning Star
Shane Carruth:
A Low and Distant Sound Gradually Swelling and Increasing
Shane Carruth:
As if It Would Have a Universal and Memorable Ending
Shane Carruth:
A Sullen Rush and Roar
Shane Carruth: