A Family Affair Bande sonore (

A Family Affair Bande sonore (2019) couverture

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A Family Affair

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A Family Affair

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A Family Affair

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A Family Affair

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A Family Affair

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A Family Affair


Loner, Kyle Newport, caretaker of his family-owned cemetery, finds himself getting help, against his will, from the spirits of his dysfunctional ancestors to find his dream girl, while keeping the family name alive. However his dreams quickly become a nightmare when his deceased family members, while breaking their graveyard code of silence in order to help him, leave a doorway open to the other side (the afterlife) and unleash an uninvited spirit with plans of his own. It will take Kyle and all of his relatives from beyond the grave to foil the plans of the unwelcome spirit to save the family.

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A Family Affair