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L'humanité est en guerre avec différentes sortes de monstres depuis si longtemps que les gens y sont maintenant habitués. Pour ceux qui veulent y participer, il y a une guilde d'aventuriers, où tout le monde peut accepter une quête et combattre des monstres pour une récompense.
Among all those monsters, goblins are believed to be the weakest creatures to fight, which makes rewards for killing them quite minimal. Being alone, goblins are easy to kill, since they are not smart and lack any strategy whatsoever. However, among these stupid creatures there are goblins that are much more powerful, smarter and deadlier than their small and foolish brothers. Together, they form a power that is able to trouble even experienced adventurers. The problem is that only a few understand it.
Goblin Slayer, Orcbolg, or Beard-cutter is underappreciated silver-ranked adventurer, who, for some reason, only accepts goblin-killing quests. What is his story?