Lacrimosa Bande sonore (

Lacrimosa Bande sonore (2017) couverture

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La jeune Mila se réveille dans un monde inconnu plein de mystères. Au cours de son voyage à travers des paysages surréalistes en constante évolution, elle rencontre son amant perdu depuis longtemps, Theo. Mila doit apprendre qu'aimer, c'est aussi lâcher prise.

Télécharger et écouter la liste de la bande sonore

Jouer Titre Artiste
Lacrimosa of Dana -Opening Ver.-
Being Slow on the Waves
A Modest Banquet at Lombardia
Deadly Temptation
Sunshine Coastline
Whimsical Vacation
Smash Up!
Alone on the Deserted Island
A Waterdrop in the Dark
The Drifting Village
A Footprint in the Wet Sand
Sound of Night
Woods of Elevated Coral Reef
Lost in Green
Eroded Valley
Tangled Jungle Trick
Mysterious Seiren
Invisible Exit
Crimson Fighter
Yesterday in Etania
The Sibylline Road
Home from Home
Overcome the Rocky Path
Gens D'armes
Steel Myself for Battle
Red Line -021-
Obscure Sentence
Next Step Toward the Unknown
Royal Capital "Aigius"
A Slow and Deep Breath
Great Plains: Pan-Gaia
One Dream, One Reality
Neglected Temple
Iclucian Dance
The Leaning Tower Baja
Haunted Ocean
Doni Della Terra
Crevice of the Archeozoic Era
Something Evil
Endless Crisis
Lacrimosa of Dana
The Valley of the Kings
Garden of Celen
You'll See Out the End of the Tales
Corridor of the Lost Ages
Volitional Decision
Abyss Beyond Dreams
Origine Della Vita
Everlasting Transeun
All-Out Attack! (Append Music)
Night Survivor (Append Music)
Riddles of the Labyrinth (Append Music)
At the End of Disaster (Append Music)
Hope Alive (Append Music)