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Les Suns sont une famille typique de Hong Kong: May, quarantenaire, travaille pour une société de négoce; son mari, Bing, travaille comme fonctionnaire de bas grade, et Allen, leur fils adolescent, est toujours à l'école.
Trouble strikes one day when Bing's mother dies of a stroke, leaving her husband old Mr. Sun. Alzheimer's Disease is diagnosed. From that day on, the family's daily life is thrown into a poignant. Old Mr. Sun develops a tendency to wander off and get lost, he wakes up yelling in the middle of the night plus he is rude and disobliging ... all this, along with May's already full schedule as wife, mother and employee, drives her close to the edge of her endurance.
The very last thing they all wanted has to happen: old Mr. Sun has to go into a Nursing Home. But it does not turn out quite like they expected...