The Passing Bande sonore (

The Passing Bande sonore (2019) couverture

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"The Passing" (2019)

The terrifying story of a young girl named Rose who struggles with the recent loss of her older sister Grace. Rose is haunted by her dead sister as she isolates herself from her family and friends. Blaming herself for her sisters death Rose may suffer her sisters fate.

The film "The Passing" is created and produced by Darren Basinger, a native of Biddeford, Maine where the movie is mostly filmed. This is Darren's first film and with a limited budget and resources, he uses family and friends as his cast. His two Daughters Ella and Lily star, alongside his fiance Jennifer Bell and her niece Madison Bell, who stars as Grace. The film is shot only with an IPhone X and edited on an IPad Pro.

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