Under the Bridge Bande sonore (

Under the Bridge Bande sonore (2011) couverture

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Évaluation: 7.40/10 de 40 votes
Noms alternatifs:
Titre en English:

Under the Bridge

Titre en Español:

Under the Bridge

Titre en Italiano:

Under the Bridge

Titre en Português:

Under the Bridge

Titre en Türk:

Under the Bridge

Titre en Deutsch:

Under the Bridge


Under the Bridge follows the story of Lilly Fellows, a brilliant chess player who, although not self taught, is taught by her father George.

She can analyze multiple chess attacks and defenses and is the star player of her high school located in a small factory town dominated by CheckMate Industries, makers of Check Mate cereal and sponsors of the yearly Check Mate competition which comes with a full ride 4 year scholarship to the university of choice for the winner.

George is a disabled artist who earns money going door to door distributing animation he has made with mixed success. They are definitely living below the poverty line and it gets worse when George is attacked by thugs and hospitalized.

Lilly finds herself living under a bridge, afraid that if she confides she will be remanded to a juvenile holding facility - a prison. On one hand she wants to win the tournament, on the other she is concerned about her father and trying to lay low so no one can suspect that she is homeless living under a bridge.

The action unfolds as the contest draws near and she faces the reality that her father is in very serious condition.

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Under the Bridge