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The Silent One is a mythological children's feature film about the friendship between a deaf mute boy, Jonasi, and a rare white turtle.
Somewhere between fact and fiction, superstition and the supernatural, lies the story of Jonasi the "Silent One".
Jonasi (Telo Malase) is a uniquely gifted young Polynesian man sent from the sea as a baby to grow up in an isolated Pacific village. Separated from the villagers by his silence and their prejudices, he finds solace in his underwater world.
Adapted by Ian Mune from a Joy Cowley story, The Silent One is a magical tale echoing the rhythms and legends of the Pacific, of village life, and of the sea; it is filmed in the Cook Islands, on an idyllic coral atoll representing a mythical Polynesian island.
The beloved film is the first New Zealand dramatic feature directed by a woman (Yvonne Mackay).
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Il mistero della tartaruga bianca
Speech: Their Finest Hour